Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bitter Fruit

I really, really, really don't like Apple these days.

Now I will preface this by saying that I started out as a major fan of Apple. I had the Apple ][ at school, the Apple IIgs at home, then the Macintosh LC, and then the godforsaken Performa. I went through MacOS 6, 7, 8, and 8.5; I even upgraded a Mac Classic from 6 to 7. I waited with baited breath for Copeland, a travesty of vaporware that makes Vista look like it was a model of delivering the goods on time. I watch with dispair as people just did not get the Newton. I argued with my PC friends about what was better and told them exactly how much better the Mac really was. I was that guy.

I'm not sure when it really started. I think it was sometime around the now infamous "Redmond, start your copiers" posters that were at some Apple conference that really started to rankle me. Apple was claiming that Vista was coping all the features that the Mac had already had and was going to have before Vista came out. Now that in itself is a bit disingenouous. The larger issue is that both companies have been copying each other since the start (and Apple and Microsoft (MS) both copied Xerox to begin with if iyou want to get technical), and secondly most of the features that Apple claimed MS to be copying were features that MS had shown off in some of their early demos of Longhorn (which was the code name for Vista).

The second point that really got to me were the Mac guy vs. PC guy ads. They were slick ads, don't get me wrong but they were so over the top and hyperbolic to the point of being misleading. The one about Vista's UAC prompts drove me right over the edge. The fact is that the Mac has prompts for a large percentage of their system settings and to install certain pieces of software too. UAC may be a bit overzealous, but a large part of that is due to many 3rd party software vendors ignoring application security design guidelines that have been in place since Windows 2000. It's a rare day on my home machine that I get the UAC prompt. It pretty much only happens when I install an application, which is when I want to get challenged to prove that I really want something installed.

The iPhone stuff (exclusive contract with a second-rate carrier, no enterprise level mail/calendar or wi-fi capabilities, updates that render useless hacked and some-non hacked phones) and the hype that went with it was pretty bad as well. The icing on the cake has been their new series of commecials with people off the street who extole the virtues of their new iPhone. The worst case of this being the pilot who got his plane cleared for take-off because his iPhone had better weather checking than the control tower. I call shenanigans. I have a few friends who are pilots and the weather from the tower is up to date and far more sophisticated than what someone can get on their iPhone.

Apparently I'm not the only one to have issue here, as a pilot who writes the "Ask the Pilot" column on Slate has weighed in on it. Here's a bit from it:

For the record, I've been an Apple user since the day I bought my first Mac Powerbook in 1994, but I despise this commercial so deeply that I need to leave the room every time it comes on. I've worked hard writing articles that provide passengers with an inside look at the difficult logistics of these situations (see related stories at the end of this article), and in 30 seconds Apple is able to hopelessly mislead millions of viewers, dumbing down the realities of flight delays and presenting airline operations as childish and unprofessional.

I highly recommend you read the article.

Finally, with Leopard, people seem to regard it with a fervor that seems more appropriate for the Second Coming. I just don't get it. Their vaunted 300 features consist mostly of minor upgrades to the bundled applications and only a fraction of them are for the main opearing system.

It ships late, causes blue-screens on some computers on upgrades, a firewall with a major security hole that allows applications that are "blocked" to actually still get through, a bug that caused data loss if data was moved in ceratin ways, and completely ruins all network settings upon upgrade. They've already realesed 10.5.1 to deal with all the problems.

Vista had its issues but it wasn't that bad. Most of the issues there were with lack of 3rd party drivers for some hardware.

Now don't get me wrong. Apple makes some great products, and OS X is a fairly good product, but stop with the misleading marketing and almost outright lies about what it can/can't do and what the competition does/doesn't do. Apple should be better than that. It should be strong enough to sell on its own merits.

Finally, this is not a Microsoft is awesome, Apple sucks rant. I personally use whatever tool works best for me and based on my job and what I need, MS works for me. If Apple works for you, awesome. All I really have an issue with is Apple's own hubris and arrogance.

Well, that's enough for now.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Note on Christmas Music

William recently opined on his blog that he doesn't think Christmas music should play prior to Black Friday or after January 1.

I have to say I agree both with his initial statement and the comment by Jocelyn about the epiphany allowing Christmas music to be played through January 6.

Personally, it drives me nuts to hear Christmas Music before Thanksgiving. It's bad enough I see Christmas decorations for sale before Halloween even ends but Christmas music early just really bothers me.

Now please understand, it's not that I don't like Christmas or the music, I actually LOVE Christmas music, and I'd like it to stay that way. The problem with Christmas music starting in early November is that by the time Christmas arrives I'm all Christmas-ed out.

For the record, WalMart is ALREADY playing Christmas music, ugh! Chalk up another reason why I won't shop there.

So through November 22 I don't want to hear a note of Christmas music but on November 23 I'll be playing my music non-stop :)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Let us give thanks and praise

Well yesterday I went to NYC with Max. For my birthday he had told me he'd take me to a show and we finally had a chance to take the time to get to see one.

We ended up choosing "Altar Boyz" and what a good choice. The show was HILARIOUS! The "boyz" are Matthew (the leader), Mark (the "sensitive" one), Luke (the bad boy), Juan (the Latin lothario, and Abraham (the Jewish friend). The concept is that the show takes place at the final concert of the "Raise the Praise" tour. The running gag of the show is the "Soul Sensor DX-12" which senses how many troubled souls are in the audience and their goal is to bring the number to zero by the end of the show.

The whole show satirizes the whole boy-band and christian pop thing and is just one laugh after another. If you have a chance to go see it, I highly recommend it!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Poisoned Apple?

Well wired has a lovely little article about the fantastic, wonderful iPhone. It's titled "IPhone's Security Rivals Windows 95 (No, That's Not Good)"

It generally discusses the fact that all applications run on the iPhone as "root" or for you non-techies, it runs with full system privileges which means each application is essentially "god" on the phone and can do anything. This means that a hacker could "cause a phone to call numbers without the user's knowledge, seize text messages and a list of received and sent calls, turn the phone into a listening device, track the user's location through nearby WiFi access points, or instruct the phone to snap photos of the user's surroundings -- including any companions who may be in view of the camera lens. "

Now before someone out there says "well what about the Windows Mobile OS?" here's a nice document to read about it. Very few applications run as "privileged" which I assume is analgous to "root" and most run as "normal" which means it can't access protected areas of the phone and must be signed by a certificate.

I'm sure Apple will fix this situation before allowing 3rd parties to wreak havok in their little sandbox but let's hope for Apple that ingenious hackers don't find a way to expliot things between now and then. Oh wait... they've already begun.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Gotta love J. K. Rowling

At a recent appearence at Carnegie Hall, J. K. Rowling was taking questions from the audience when a young fan asked if Dumbledore finds "true love". Rowling then responded that Dumbledore was gay.

Well if that doesn't get the religious right groups in a tizzy, I don't know what will.

She also gives the answers to a number of questions and the The Leaky Cauldron has a full transcript, but here's the question about Dumbledore.

Did Dumbledore, who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fall in love himself?

My truthful answer to you... I always thought of Dumbledore as gay. [ovation.] ... Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extend, but he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him. Yeah, that's how i always saw Dumbledore. In fact, recently I was in a script read through for the sixth film, and they had Dumbledore saying a line to Harry early in the script saying I knew a girl once, whose hair... [laughter]. I had to write a little note in the margin and slide it along to the scriptwriter, "Dumbledore's gay!" [laughter] If I'd known it would make you so happy, I would have announced it years ago!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Requiem for Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time series died yesterday, September 16. I wish this was just a rumor, but unfortunately it is true. He had been suffering from Amyloidosis for a while and has seemed to be in great spirits even through it all. He had been posting updates to his blog: DragonMount.

The big question is, what happens to the rest of the Wheel of Time. As fans of WoT may know, RJ was working on the final book in the series. It seems he made provisions on how the book was to be finished if he lost the fight before finishing the book.

Here's a post from one of the fan sites on the answer to that question:

RJ was a great author and he and his incredible work will be missed.

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Exeunt The Mikado

Every curtain that goes up must eventually come down, and so it goes with The Mikado. I don't think I've worked that hard for anything in a very long time. In the end it was all worth it though.

We had a good opening night followed by two sell-out nights. On Saturday we even had to increase the size of the house to about 350.

Thank you to everyone who came to see it. It was a pleasure to perform it. It was also great that I had so many wonderful people to work with on the show.

Now, with this over, we begin to move forward with making Vox officially a recognized organization and also to plan next year's show. Until next time!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Mikado Diet

Well I just stepped on the scale today and since starting the Mikado I have dropped 11 pounds. When started I was 196. Today I'm 185. Woohoo.

Now the difficult part will be keeping up this level of activity. Part of the weight loss I'm sure was the constant dancing, day after day. One thing that will hopefully keep this going is that I'm going to take pilates starting the week after the show, also I can start running again.

I hope to see some of you at the show!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

More on the Mikado

Sorry there haven't been many updates lately. The Mikado has pretty much been taking all my free time lately. Not sure what I was thinking when I set out to Produce and have a prinicple role. :) hehe.

I've linked the poster here and you can find more information about the show on

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Three Little Maids From School Are We....

Well I'm going to be in a production of "The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sullivan. The show dates are September 13, 14, and 15 @ 7:30 pm.

Ticket's are $15 Genearal - $10 Students/Seniors.

I play Pooh-bah for anyone who knows the show. It should be a great time. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pains, Flames and Tent-stakes

I'm sooo glad to be home.

This weekend was fun. I went down Friday to visit my fraternity brother Ken in NJ. The first fun thing is that I connected my TomTom GPS unit to my phone and got Traffic updates which allowed it to navigate me around bad NYC traffic as I went through the city at around 5pm. The whole trip down there took me about 4 hours of travel time, which is pretty good since Google says the trip is 3 hours and 36 minutes.

Friday night we got fantastic sushi. Unfortunately the really good place (very traditional Japanese) was closed for good so we had to go the other one that Ken likes and it was fantastic.

Saturday we got up fairly early, had breakfast and drove 3 hours down to the NJ State Park to go camping. We hiked up to the Mullica River campsite and stayed there overnight. It was quite the hike. Thankfully it was fairly flat so there wasn't much of an incline to traverse, but still, it was 4 miles. 4 miles with a 62 pound pack. We did the whole thing in about 2.5 hours (with several rest stops) so we got about a 30 minute mile on the way in.

We set up camp, built a fantastic fire and then had dinner. Dinner was steak tips with onions, portobello mushrooms, steamed carrots and steamed broccolli with a beef stew style gravy. Not quite what you were expeciting for a camping dinner eh? Oh and this was cooked over the coals, in nothing but tinfoil. It's amazing what Boy Scouts teaches you. With the right equipment I've seen dinners made that consist of Chicken Cordon Bleu with Peach Cobbler for dessert. Yum.

Of slight annoyance was when we set up the tent. Now my brother last had the tent and had let me know he didn't have the tent stakes for it, that he didn't know where they were. No biggie. Tent stakes are cheap. I went out and got 8 of them for the tent. That completely covered all 8 corners of the tent (it's slightly octagonal). Unfortunately since i wasn't familar with the tent I didn't realize that there are 10 spots to stake the tent (1 each on the front and back side for further stabilization. I also forgot to account for tent stakes for the rain fly. Now thankfully it was a beautiful weekend but i couldn't just leave it off. For one the entire upper portion of the tent is screen so there'd be no privacy from other campers. Second was that you never know when there might be a freak rain shower; so the fly had to go up. In the end we took 5 branches that were about 1 inch in diameter, cut them to about 8 inches, angled the cut on one end so it was pointed and put a notch for the tie rope. We then proceeded to use the mallet to hammer in our custom-made camping stakes, which actually worked far better than anticipated. Thankfully the ground was soft enough to drive them in. Now I just have to buy 7 more stakes before i return the tent.

The rest of the evening we relaxed, played cards and just enjoyed the killer view of the stars.

In the morning we woke up, packed it all up and headed back to the State Park office. We finshed back at the car in 1 hour and 45 minutes. This included a 30 minute rest at the 2 mile mark and was almost 4.5 miles. This averages out to be about 17 minute mile. Not bad for only one resting stop and a 60 lb pack.

The most amusing thing is that as we returned back to the camp we crossed the river at a large bridge that a few 20-something guys were jumping off of. As is customary we said our hello's to others on the trail and they started into a conversation with us. The were curious as to what we were doing and were we were coming from. We mentioned we were on our way back from an overnight camping trip and were on our way to the camp center. They then asked if we were soldiers. We said that, no, we weren't and then we went on our way. That question there had to be the most amusing parts of the adventure.

When we finally got back and got the car re-packed we must have just collapsed into the seats as we waited for the A/C to get on full. We were completely exhausted.

I finally got home about a short while ago and at this point a nice hot shower followed by a cooler shower at the end and clean clothes is all I want.

God I love camping, but now I hurt in places I didn't know I could hurt. Is it the definitition of insanity that I find this fun and can't wait to do it again?

Sunday, July 29, 2007


It's funny those little things that stick with you from childhood, like counting after a lightning strike to see how far away the storm is.

As I've mentioned before, one of the really nice things about my unit is the sound of the rain on the roof when it rains. A new thing I've noticed is the ability to watch fork lightning as it strikes over downtown worcester. It reminds me of the many evenings staying at my Dad's apartment on the weekends when he would wake me up after my brother had gone to sleep and we'd sit on his deck and watch the heat lightning in the distance. Everytime I would stay with him I'd hope more than anything that there would be a summer storm. I was often rewarded for my hoping. :)

My mom says I get my enjoyment of the storms from my Papa. My Grammy on the other hand doesn't like storms one bit, neither does my brother to any great degree. This weekend has been a real treat with two days in a row with fairly substantial thunderstorms. I just lay in bed for a large part of yesterday morning, eyes closed, just taking in the thunder and the sound of the rain. It was absolutely great.

Monday, July 23, 2007

This and that

Ok, just a few updates since I don't really feel like doing a full out post.

  • Saw Transformers a while ago. Lots of fun. Go see it.
  • Saw Harry Potter last week. Twice. Once in IMAX. Go see it. It's a lot darker than before, less whimsy. Dolores Umbridge is sublimely and wickedly played by Imelda Staunton.
  • Finished with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'll say no more than it's very dark, very well written, has a pace that just keeps on hitting you and is very satisfying.
  • Saw Hairspray. Go see it. It's a laugh riot, with great singing and dancing.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Damien Rice

I recently came across the work of an Irish folk singer, Damien Rice. He has a hauntingly crystal clear voice. I just bought his first ablum "O" and two songs that I've really come to enjoy are "The Blower's Daughter" and "Cannonball". You may find that it sounds familiar to you as his music has been in TV shows such as Grey's Anatomy, Alias, Bones, CSI:NY, ER and House among others.

If you like acoustic guitar folk style music, I recomend this highly.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independance Day

Well I hope everyone is having a great 4th! My annual BYOBBQ was last night and as usual it was a great time. Special thanks to Remby for being the Grill Master again and bringing his grills.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What's up doc?

So Day two of the Rabbit. I dropped off the title to the Audi, so I am officially done with it. *sniff* *tear* It was a good car.

My god this car can move. It's got great pickup and I can be above 60 without even trying, so I need to keep an eye on that. I'm getting better.

It's officially been named too! The car's name is "Roger". Yes it's a boy car. :)

One of the cool features is that it has an iPod connector. No more stupid FM tranceiver that doesn't get loud enough and has static most of the time. The only negative is that it doens't fully interface with the iPod. It's designed to take the first 5 playlists and assign it to CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4 and CD5. CD6 is the setting for whatever you are playing on the iPod, so if you want ot listed to one of the playlists after the first five you have to manually select it and then plug the iPod back in. Still it's better than the FM Transmitter.

Switching gears, the surgery is still healing but I'm probably about 96% at this point. It's still tender but I really can't feel it anymore. I'm thinking it'll be mid-July before I'm 100%

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Audi is gone, long live the Audi

Well I did it. I have finally, after 7 years ( I got it in March 2000) I have retired the Audi. Today I went and I bought a 2007 VW Rabbit. The car is sooo much fun. It's black with grey interior and it's a standard!! I forgot how much fun a 5 speed is and this thing has some GREAT pickup.

It's also exciting because this is my first new car. Ever. This should be an experience.

Additionally I visited Patrick on Wednesday. It was great seeing him and we really need to get together more often. It made me realize how much I miss having him around.

Well, that's all for now. Ta ta!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


We have won. After over 5 years of waiting and hoping and lots of holding of breath we have won. The latest attack on the right to marry for same-sex couples has been killed by the legislature in an up-and-down vote of the matter. No procedural maneuvers this time, not that I'd care if there were.

I don't doubt that anti-gay groups will still try attack gay marriage in Massachusetts but they will find that we are a stronger and more renewed group after today. We've seen the future and it involves continued full rights to gay marriage.

Here's a brief history of things. (A more complete history can be found here)

July 17, 2002 - First voter petition is killed in a procedural maneuver to adjourn the ConCon. 137-53

November 17, 2003 - The MA Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) allows Gay Marriage. Delays effect of ruling 180 days.

March 29, 2004 - the Legislature passes the legislatively initiated anti-gay marriage amendment.

May 17, 2004 - Gay Marriage is now legal. World doesn't end.

May 17, 2005 - First anniversary of Gay Marriage. World still hasn't ended.

September 14, 2005 - the Legislature kills the legislatively initiated anti-gay marriage amendment 157-39. This is mostly because a more conservative and restrictive version is being submitted via voter petition.

December 7, 2005 - the voter petition is certified to be voted at the next ConCon.

May 17, 2006 - Second anniversary of Gay Marriage. Still no apocalypse.

January 2, 2007 - The legislature finally votes on, and passes the voter petition 61-132. Not happy.

May 17, 2007 - Third anniversary of Gay Marriage. Are the four horsemen usually this tardy?

June 14, 2007 - 45-151. 151 Legislators vote against the amendment. It's over.

For more information here are blog posts from the years:

11.18.2003 - I do....
04.12.2004 - Cheney's Opinion Sucks
01.13.2004 - Delays, delays, delays….
02.04.2004 - Hurrah!! Hurrah!!
02.16.2004 - Marriage, Valentine's Day and other matters
03.29.2004 - Strike 1
09.07.2005 - Fuck the world
09.15.2005 - Well the world gets a repreive
09.20.2005 - "... it's going to be a fun time..."
07.11.2006 - And the fight continues...
09.09.2006 - Do I Dare to Dream?
01.02.2007 - Dissappointed

Monday, June 11, 2007

What to say, what to say...

So I've had very little motivation to post lately. It's been a whirlwind since I returned to work. The wound is healing mostly well. If I sit wrong it feels like its pulling a bit and it's been bleeding a little since the stiches came out (I called and they said it was normal).

Living with Cate is going well at the moment. Additionally she's doing well in her classes which is key.

The main thing is that I want to get out and do fun things like go bike riding, or swimming or anything that I'm not supposed to do right now. I just want it to be healed and done with. *sigh* I suppose I should be thankful it was sutured and not packed and that its proceeding as fast as it is, but you always want more. :)

Let's see... what else...

Last week I went up to NH with Max. It was a great time and probably more strenuous than I should have been 2 days after stiches coming out. Ah well. We ended up staying in a Comfort Inn in North Conway. Pretty much everwhere was booked and all that was left was a smoking room. NEVER AGAIN. I will search through every last hotel, motel and/or B&B before I EVER take a smoking room again. It was the most vile, disgusting thing I've had to deal with in a while. The room was caked with the stale oder of cigarette smoke everywhere you went. Hell next time I'll just pop for the honeymoon suite (which was the only available non-smoking room) if that's all that's left. It'll be worth the money not to feel like my lungs were filling with toxins.

On Friday I went to the 25th anniversary concert for the Boston's Men's Gay Chorus. It was their annual concert for pride weekend and it was a great time. They had Linda Eder as a guest. Her "Don't Rain on My Parade" with the chorus just brought down the house, it was fantastic. Also great was the fact that they sang "Brothers Sing On" which is what the WPI Glee Club sings at every concert. For an encore Linda sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". My fraternity brother and fellow Glee Club alum JJ invited me to see the show. He's been trying to get me to a show for ages and schedules finally aligned. I decided to get two tickets and take someone with me. I initially invited Patrick but he couldn't go. After that I called up Judd and he was happy to come along. He loved it and was glad I "dragged him" there. :)

Afterwards Judd had to go home but I went over to JJ's along with Kurt and Pere and we caught up and had a great time. I ended up leaving Boston about 2:30 am, took a cab back to my car and then drove back to Worcester. I got to bed about 4 am and then slept until 3pm on Saturday.

Sunday I went to see Ocean's 13. It was good, I enjoyed it. I rented Ocean's 11 and 12 and watched them Friday. I liked both as well. For those who've seen the first two, 13 is more like 11. It's a straight out caper film.

After that I ended up getting tipsy with Martha and Dani. It was FANTASTIC.

Well that's all for now.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A stitch in time...

Well I got my stiches taken out today. Oddly enough, this was the most painful part of the entire procedure and that included the 3 attempts to do my IV. It was the sharp pain when he pulled taut and then cut the sutures that really was source of the pain.

Granted, the actual cut had some pain, but it was more dull and simply "sore". I'm sure the vicodin the first few days helped in that regard.

So at this point I have to be careful for the next week so that I don't reopen the wound, not that the Doctor is really worried at 10+ days after the surgery.

I also can't do any strenuous activities for at least a month, so we're looking at July. Good thing I'm single ;)

At any rate, I'm doing quite well and will be back to work next Tuesday. I would have been back to work on Monday but I've requested Mondays off in June to get rid of vacation time.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

This is too funny

To help cope with the expense of raising a gay child, why don't you try Coming Out Insurance. ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Healing coming along nicely

So it's now 3 days out and I'm doing much better. I am off the pain meds and only a little bit sore. I had the guys from work over for lunch so that was a nice treat.

The good news is that now that I'm off the meds I can drive again (if I have to) so I've regained a certain level of independence.

Cate has been a great help these past few days. It's made this experience a whole lot easier. Dani brought me a balloon and a card that was super cute.

All-in-all this experience has been great and has really reinforced what a great group friends I have around me.

Maybe I'll be good enough to actually do some vacation stuff next week instead of just lie on the couch healing. :) We'll see.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Safe and Sound

I have returned safe and sound. I have lots of fabulous friends helping me out this week. I'm feeling good so if you want to visit just give me a ring :)

Slice and Dice

So I'm in today for my surgery.

6am arrival time.


Remarkably I'm not nervous at all. The procedure should be done in less than an hour so I should be out of the hospital by late morning or early afternoon. I probably won't post again until tomorrow so, wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Brother is a Married Man

So yeah... my little brother has been made an honest man and has taken Maureen to be his lawfully wedded wife.

So Thursday of last week was the rehearsal dinner. It was annoying a bit since no invitations were sent out ahead of time I didn't realize they were parting with convention and doing it Thursday instead of Friday night. This caused me to have to cancel hanging out with (and fixing the computer of) my ex Chad. We'll reschedule eventually but it's been too long.

The rehearsal was good, but I really didn't like the wedding coordinator. She had a very quick and impatient personality that just didn't make me feel that she cared about the way the wedding went as opposed to the paycheck at the end. She struck me as a person who would take a checklist, check off all the items as they were accomplished and care not whether they were done in such a way as to acheive the end goal fully. Can you tell she irked me? She decided that the brother of the bride and I needed to almost run down the side isles after walking up the grandmothers up. Hello! The audience is waiting. You don't need to have us run and ruin the picture of the stately wedding procedings. Anyways....

The dinner was good. I toasted Jon and got him to tear up a bit and I gave him Superman cufflinks. Now you have to understand that he is a MAJOR Superman fan. He's got tons of stuff and he mentioned when we got the tuxes that it'd be cool to have Superman cufflinks.

Fast foward to the wedding. I arrive at the hotel at about 4pm, change, get unofficial pictures with the groomsmen and then off to the wedding. We were all worried that we were late (we were supposed to be there at 4:30 to get flowers etc done and then be ready to usher people in) since we were getting there about 4:40. We needn't have worried. The florist didn't get there until 4:50 and the coordinator didn't get there until 5:00. Add to that the fact that the priest was taking 4pm Mass right up through about 5:05. That's just lovely with a 5:15 wedding.

We finally seat everyone and she's (the coordinator) after us to hurry up and finish since we're running late. I'm sorry, was I supposed to get the gong to get the priest of the alter? In all her rush she neglects to signal the music to start but they start without her. Since she assumed that since they were going rogue once that they'd go rogue again, she sent the grandmother's down the aisle at the next song. Then she is frantically waving me down the aisle (that I'm already walking at a brisk pace) to essentially run back. Little did she realize that it was filler music until she signaled them to start the processional music (you know.... umm... her job?). At this point the music people notice that they were playing the wrong music and came down to talk to her and we end up closing the doors and waiting for the entirety of Panis Angelicus to be played and the whole point of her rushing us is now completely nullified. *sigh*

From this point we process down the aisle, Jonathan is there waiting, Maureen comes up and they get married. Much more orderly cuz the priest was in charge.

Abreviated Wedding rites (in other words not a full mass).... how nice.

Off to the Reception for pictures.

We finish pictures and get corralled into a waiting room. Oh joy.... Private food platters. Woohoo! Free drinks! JOY! Waiting for almost an hour to go out.... boo.

We go out, we sit, the newlyweds dance their dance. We then get the salad course, they eventually cut the cake. Lots of dancing. Finally the parental dances. Then more dancing. Lots of drinking. The families all get along. Hallelujah.

All in all a fantastic wedding and Jon and Maureen, I wish you the best.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I visited Texas and lived to tell the tale :)

So all last week I was down in Texas visiting Colin and Kristin for their wedding. I got into Austin on Saturday the 21st mid-morning. I stopped over, saw their new apartment, settled in a bit and then we went to lunch. The next day we went to the Salt Lick BBQ which had fantastic Texas style BBQ. It's kind of funny how BBQ means different things in different parts of the country.

As Monday rolled around, doing fun things slowly took a back burner to wedding tasks and we started taking care of all those last minute things that needed doing. Julian (the best man) came in on Monday night. We spent Tuesday doing more errands as well as stopping into Kristin's goodbye party at the school she teaches at. Throughout all this it was made clear to me by Colin, Kristin and Kristin's parents that I needed to get a good pair of boots before I left so I got a pair of Tony Lama black leather cowboy boots and I have to say they look damn good and are actually quite comfortable.

On Wednesday we headed out to Barton Springs to do some swimming and take a well needed break from wedding tasks. Barton Springs Julian and I went out to the farm and helped set things up, cleaned up a few things, did some edging, filled in some holes, trimmed some branches, and cleared some brush. Altogether a good time working on the farm getting it ready for the reception.

Thursday we headed back to Austin to do some last minute tasks and then get ready for the Bachelor party which was a TON of fun. My only regret is that I had chosen that day to break in my boots and by the end of it my feet were very sore. We ended up walking up and down 6th Street to visit all the clubs and bars. I'd tell you more, but what happens at a bachelor party, stays there. :) All you need to know is that there was drinking and the bachelor survived to make it to the wedding and the bride still decided to marry him. I think that makes for a successful bachelor party.

Friday was a bit rough, moreso from lack of sleep than hangover. I went to bed around 3:30 am and woke up at 8 am. From the hotel we were staying at we headed up to Kristin's house, I showered, changed and headed into Fayetteville. We stopped at the hotel, did some final setup for the Friday night party and headed out to the rehearsal luncheon in New Ulm. It was a great time and they even had sushi on the buffet. As an usher I got a wonderful gift of a framed picture of Colin and Kristin that they took from shortly after they got engaged. After the luncheon we went to the church and walked through the whole procedure. For a short time I was even going to lead the procession and carry the cross to the alter. I got subbed out when it seemed I may have to sing during the procession. With the rehearsal over we went back to the hotel, worked out final details again for the party and then just waited to start having a good time. I decided to go to bed early so my voice would be in good order the next day for the actual wedding. All of the men in the wedding party were staying at a house two doors down from the hotel and that lead to more drinking and loudness for the rest of the night there. Thankfully I slept through most of it, although I was woken several times. *shrug* Oh well.

Saturday I woke up early, had some breakfast and started helping with final touches at the farm. I got back from the farm, showered, changed into my tux and headed to the church for a little past 12:30 to go over the service music as well as the Ave Maria with the rest of the trio. We got evertyhing all set, including some last minute changes in the music and then waited for it all to start at 3pm.

Colin and Kristin both looked great. Kristin was just a site to behold in her dress and Colin looked as handsome as ever. They are going to have some beautiful children. The service was a full Catholic mass so we had the prelude, then the processional, then the first reading, then I sang the psalm, then the second reading, then the gospel and homily, then the marriage rites, then communion, then the Ave Maria during the meditation, then closing and finally the recessional.

As the bride and groom processed out of the church one of the other guests and I rang the church bells. Once the couple had gone back around to the sacristy the guests all went outside and waited below the small entrance balcony to have the bride and groom presented to them. Instead of rice or bubbles, they opted to have a butterfly release for this wedding, it was very pretty. The happy couple then went to their waiting horse and carriage to take them to the farm for the reception. Throughout all of this utnil they got to the carriage, we maintained the bells. The whole thing was just gorgeous.

The reception was wonderful and I had a great time dancing the night away. I managed to steal several dances with the bride and watching her and Colin dance was just breathtaking (they both are highly skilled ballroom dancers).

All in all it was a great time and I really enjoyed the week down there. I was sad to have to leave on Sunday when it was all over. I can't wait to go back and visit the new Mr. and Mrs.

Well that's everything.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I caught the garter. *grin*

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Measure twice, cut once

So I get to go in for a bit of surgery this summer, specifically on May 21. I have a small cyst that I need to get removed. The surgery will require at least a week out of work for recovery then possibly another 3 weeks before I'm fully recovered.

The fun part is going to be doing absolutely nothing and being in pain for a week before I can return to work and start driving again and probably still be in pain.

I've scheduled the surgury and will be getting confirmation on the date of the pre-op checkup soon. I've also take the week after the surgery off as sick time and the following week off as vacation time so I should be fairly recovered before going back to work.

Ahh, a summer full of fun and excitement!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things are looking up

So lots of good news lately. As of June 1 I have a full year long roommate. This should work out well. She's the girlfriend of a friend of mine and she's an undergraduate at WPI. Potentially if things go well she'll be able to stay for more than a year which will leave me in a much more stable position than I've recently had.

Also good news is that I recently got a fairly nice raise. I've recently changed my responsibilities and work-load at work and taken on some fairly mission critical systems. This raise reflected that.

What this translates to is that I should be able to save a down payment for a new car, build up a cash reserve (in addition to the car savings), and actually spend money on a few things that I've been needing/wanting lately. The plan is to adjust my direct deposits so that the difference between my current salary and my salary effective July 1 gets put directly into my savings so that I don't get used to the increase. Additionally I'll be putting most of the rent into savings too.

I'll also be getting a new computer for the first time in about 8 years. I was lucky enough to get my Dad's old one a few years back but the time has come to get a new high end computer. After all, what does it say about an IT professional when his comptuer is almost 6 years old. It's soooo slow and barely keeps up with things any more.

I'm looking forward to being able to spend money as needed now and STILL be able to save a large portion of money.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


As of last Saturday I have officially been a homeowner for a full year. I closed my condo on March 24, 2006. As of yesterday I have been actually living in the condo for a year.

Additionally as of last October 22, 2006 I have worked at WPI for 5 years. On August 23, 2007 I will have lived in Worcester for 10 years.

It's amazing how major milestones seem to creep up on you.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring is in the air

It's not really here yet, but the weather is finally getting warmer and I've had the opportunity to leave my windows open today to get some fresh air into the condo.

I had a bit of a birthday bash yesterday and it was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone including some old friends that I haven't seen in far too long.

Going backwards I've had a pretty good week. I watched "300" with some of the Crow brothers on Friday. I have to see it was far better than I expected it to be. It was a bit on the bloody side but it wasn't as gory or out of line as you'd think it would be with that much blood. The story was well done and the direction of the movie was fantastic. The pacing was very tight and it didn't feel nearly as long as it actually was.

Later that night I had dinner with Pace who made Cider Chicken with Mushroom sauce. It was fantastic. That, coupled with a very nice Chianti (no, Judd, there were no fava beans involved) made for a very nice evening with a friend.

Wednesday through Friday turned into an impromptu movie marathon with Pace. Wednesday we ended up going to Chili's for dinner and during discussion it came up that he'd never seen "Jeffrey" so I insisted he come over and watch it. The next night he came over and had me watch "A Dirty Shame" by John Waters. It was hilarious and fairly well done and there was just something surreal about seeing Selma Blair with watermellon sized breasts and big frizzy blond hair. Friday's movie of choice was "Camp" which is something anyone who's ever done theatre (musical or otherwise) can appreciate. We'll have to think up some additional movies to watch for D term.

Last Sunday I had dinner with Travis and Terence. It was nice to see them again. I made Linguine alla vodka and it was very good. I need to start cooking new things more often. I have found that I very much like to cook.

I definitely need a bit of a vacation. Maybe I'll take a week off in May. I've got 15.5 days left to take. A few long weekends in June, a week off in May or June. We'll see how it turns out. Maybe I'll even take some time in the late summer, go camping or hiking.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ann Coulter has reached a new low...

and I really didn't think that was possible.

At the recent American Conservative Union’s Political Action Conference Coulter was speaking and used the term "faggot" to describe Democratic presidential nominee John Edwards. At the same conference last year she used a derogatory term for Arabs.

Before I continue here are some articles on this:

I can't believe that there are people who still listen to this woman. She is a pure hate-monger. Why she would make a joke about the recent situations with Tim Hardaway or Isaiah Washington. If she knew about the situations enough to make the crack that saying "faggot" requires you to go into rehab to spin your image then she should have known that it was also very derisive and inflammatory and that both instances caused great uproar around the country. How exactly does she thing that this kind of talk is acceptable?

A kiss is just a kiss...

It's funny how you browse the web and you read one article that takes you to another article which takes you to another article, which makes you read something which makes you think about this other thing and then so on. That's pretty much how my mind works in general, kind of a free-association montage. Anyone who's had a long conversation with me can attest to the fact that it can start somewhere and go just about anywhere before it's over and neither me or them will realize we've even left the main topic until much later.

It's in that regard that I was looking up an article, which reminded me of a show, which had someone who played in another show which remdinded me of another show and I decided to look up the actors and what they are playing now. In my travels I came upon a quote from Gale Harold who played Brian Kinney on Queer as Folk.

Over the years, as I've talked with people about being gay, once people get past the basic questions they start getting curious about the finer details. One question I get time and again is "What's the difference between kissing a guy and a girl?" Now, there is definitely a difference but it's never really been something I could define. It was more of a "je ne sais quoi" than anything else. Gale's bio had a quote from an interview he had with Flaunt magazine which answered that very same question. I read his answer and it just clicked that what he was saying was describing the "je ne sais quoi" that I couldn't quite place. And with no further ado...

"Kissing a's more animalistic. There's a primal drive with men and you can feel that the second you start kissing. It's much more visceral than kissing a woman. Women take their time. There's more play. It's not a mad dash to get your rocks off. And kissing men who, even after they've shaved, have the roughest skin. I've got the worst fuckin' burns on my face."

Interesting the things you find on the web.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

What's going on

Well it's been a while since the last time I updated. My sister is doing well and I hear that my neice is now 10 lbs. I'm not sure that I'm yet quite at the point of dealing with the fact that I'm an uncle.

I've gotten a temporary roommate so the pressure is off a bit. I still have to find someone starting in June. Hopefully I'll find someone that will stay for a while and that can put some stability back into my finances. Since I got a roommate I've followed through on finally getting my new dining room set. It'll be delivered on Tuesday. It's a counter-height, espresso finish table with 6 chairs. I could describe it further but I'll save you the additional 920 or so words.

Overall, life is going well. I had Travis and Terence up for dinner this evening and it was really nice to reconnect with friends I haven't seen in a while.
Work is going well. I'm still very busy with the new responsibilities but it's a lot of fun doing new things.
I did my taxes this weekend and hopefully I'll get the refund soon. One thing I want to do is buy a new bike and use it in the late spring through the fall to ride to work occasionally and to go biking on the weekends. Should be fun.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A day to dismember

So I finally took down my tree today. Since it was so big and now so dry and dead I decided not to bother trying to take it down whole and ended up cutting it into pieces so I can bag them and then dispose of them.

Last Thurdsay was the WPI IT Department's "Procrastinator's Holiday Party" which we ended up doing in January simply because people were far too busy to do it in December. It ended up being a smash hit and I got a lot of emails thanking me for hosting. It was a lot of fun and I'll probably end up offering up my place for next year as well. We'll just have to do it a bit sooner so my tree isn't practically dead for the party.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cute baby

So I visited my sister and held the baby yesterday. She's so cute and adorable. I held her and she was small enough to hold in just one arm. It's so weird to have a niece. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to be an uncle. It just feels surreal.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's official...

... I am now an uncle. Makayla Lee was born at 2:23 pm at Brockton Hospital today. 8 lbs and 18 inches. Mother, daughter and father are doing well. More information as I get it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A whole lot goin on

Yeah, so the whole "everyone's getting married" thing still hasn't settled down much. I already have three scheduled for this year so far.

My brother's is in May and we're going to pick out Tuxes on Friday. The fun part is that we're going not just for sizing but to pick out the style and colors. As I've told my brother, this is one of the perks of having a gay brother; I get to help him make sure he looks good. I've also promised the fiancรฉe that I'll make sure he looks good too. Now the big challenge is that my brother is not a dress up, formal clothes kind of guy. His idea of dressing up is a nice pair of courdoroy pants, a large sweater (which he looks like he's swimming in) and his t-shirt untucked underneath it. If you're lucky, he'll shave too. The thing is that I want my brother to look good since its his big day and I want him to hold his own against his beautiful bride-to-be, but at the same time I don't want him to look completely uncomfortable. My thought is that we'll go with something a bit edgy and modern for the tuxes. Very clean and simple looks. We'll see how it goes.

The next thing is that I get to help plan Cate's graduation party. You heard me right, Cate is gonna graduate this May. Maybe that's the reason for the odd weather. When Matt Crawford graduated it snowed in May. When Cate Carrigan graduates, it doesn't snow all winter? Hmm... I'll think on that. This should be fun. I'm meeting with her and Betty sometime in the next few weeks.

The final big thing is that one of my closest and dearest friends, Colin, is getting married in April. It should be a blast and I'm going down early to visit. Now I know I've mentioned he's getting married before but the new thing is that he's just asked me to be an usher, to which I couldn't be happier to say yes. Now a really fun trip is going to be even more fun and special.

As you can see I'm going to be in tuxes a lot this spring. Of course this means I have about 3 months to get in shape so I look good in said tuxes. Ahh, such work. :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Now that was odd...

So the weirdest experience happened this morning. I was in bed and was in the process of waking up. I'd already hit snooze once so I was in that whole lightly sleeping stage. All of a sudden I heard a woman's voice very calmly and softly say "boo". It felt like someone had leaned over my ear and said it. It wasn't like someone trying to scare me, more like someone trying to wake me up. I woke up and there was no one in the room, nothing was out of place. It wasn't even the alarm since that went off about a minute later after I was wide awake. Also, this wasn't a dream since dreaming voices are kind of different. This one felt like I was actually hearing it. I could almost feel the breath on my ear. Very odd.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Just a few last comments before I lie down for the evening.

Yes, I know about the fact that the anti-gay marriage amendment passed.

No, I'm not going to make a big post about it.

I think I've made myself very clear on this issue in the past. I'm saddened, and angry, and tired, and many other emotions right now, so lets just not go there... ok? Please?

A room with a view

Well, now that Blogger has updated its site, it has the opportunity to move things around and customize the blog fairly easily but.... (there's always a but...) you need to upgrade to a new design which means my current one won't work. Now of course I can go in and take one of the existing ones and tweak it (which is what I did when I moved to blogger) but honestly, I don't like any of the available designs and am a bit sick of the one I've got. The templates out on the web just aren't worthwhile plus the new version of Blogger hasn't been out long enough for people to make any good templates that are compatible with the new specs.

I want something nice and something new, but I have neither the time, nor the skill to do this myself. (Yes I know I could probably learn and given my technical abilities I could probably attain the skill to edit/create CSS templates but there's still the first issue, lack of time).

Does anyone know of any good resources for easily (read WYSIWYG) creating/customizing CSS templates? I deal with code enough on a daily basis, I don't want to deal with it for my journal.

Ok, folks. Help me to give The Crystal Cave a make-over. :)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Hello 2007, good-bye 2006.

It was a fantastic party as usual. It's always fun to co-host something with Elliot and it was a pleasure being surrounded by old friends and new friends for the start of what I think will be a banner year.

Cleanup is mostly done at this point, and it actually went really quickly. The fun part is finding all the alcohol that people brought that I hadn't noticed, including several bottles of wine. :)

It's wierd being alone in the condo, especially with having all the furniture setup in the guest bedroom. Carlos left on Saturday and I ended up buying his desk, night stand and book shelf so I could advertise the room as furnished. For all the time I've been here except for about 2 days I've had a roommate and those days I was still in the process of moving in so they don't entirely count. I kinda like having the whole place to myself. If it didn't cost so much to do so, I'd probably fore-go getting a new roomie.

Well, tomorrow I go back to work. This vacation has been exactly what I needed. I barely checked my email the entire week. I didn't feel like I was getting behind on things. I actually, truly relaxed this week. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and I have a very large list of things to get done at the beginning of this year so it'll be a while before I can slow down again.

I hope you all had a very happy new year's eve and I wish everyone a very happy new year to come.