Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well the world gets a repreive

So yesterday the Massachusetts legislature voted 157-39 to vote down the Gay Marriage Amendment that sought to repeal gay marriage while creating Civil Unions in its place. Of course the fights not over, especially not with the 2008 Marriage Protection Amendement certified to get signatures at this point, but you have to enjoy the victories you do get along the way, otherwise you'll just go insane.

Its amusing that the MFI (Massachusetts Family Institute) a highly conservitive, anti-gay, faith-based, "family values" group also hailed this vote as a victory for their side. They said that we only got the votes to defeat it because conservative legislators who didn't want to create any same-sex state-recognized covenant voted against it.

I find it laughable that they really can delude themselves that they were the ones who gave us this victory. When co-sponsers and co-authors of the bill have come out against this year then you know its not just simple maneuvering. Many legislators who voted for the amendment last year have come out against it this year stating that they realized now that allowing same-sex marriages has done nothing to take anything away from opposite-sex marriages and that the world hasn't ended. Also legislators don't feel comfortable taking away a right that now exists and is being actively used by the populace. They say before it was theoretical and it was easier to think about banning it, but now its real and it isn't hurting anyone.

At this point, I'm still tired from fighting the fight, but I also will say this to anyone who wants to try to take away my right to marry, "Bring it on." The gays of this state are here and we aren't going anywhere. We are renewed after this victory and are ready to do what it takes to keep on winning the next victory.