Monday, January 12, 2004

Cheney's Opinion Sucks

So Cheney has come out and said that he will support the Federal Marriage Amendment (designed to eliminate any and all forms of gay unions, including marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships). This is a reversal of his original statement that this is a matter for the states. Apperently the unsaid part of that was that its a matter for the states unless he didn't like the states decision.

The amazing part of this whole thing is his daughter is silent on it. Granted its only been a day but for someone as politically active as she is/was I'm surprised she didn't have a statement on it.

I don't know what I'd do if my parents wouldn't support me getting married (eventually - have to find Mr. Right first).

I just hope that the SJC comes back soon with a ruling that says that Civil Unions won't cut it. It would also be nice if they recinded the 180 day waiting period and told the legislature to begin immediately.