Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Note on Christmas Music

William recently opined on his blog that he doesn't think Christmas music should play prior to Black Friday or after January 1.

I have to say I agree both with his initial statement and the comment by Jocelyn about the epiphany allowing Christmas music to be played through January 6.

Personally, it drives me nuts to hear Christmas Music before Thanksgiving. It's bad enough I see Christmas decorations for sale before Halloween even ends but Christmas music early just really bothers me.

Now please understand, it's not that I don't like Christmas or the music, I actually LOVE Christmas music, and I'd like it to stay that way. The problem with Christmas music starting in early November is that by the time Christmas arrives I'm all Christmas-ed out.

For the record, WalMart is ALREADY playing Christmas music, ugh! Chalk up another reason why I won't shop there.

So through November 22 I don't want to hear a note of Christmas music but on November 23 I'll be playing my music non-stop :)


Unknown said...

So I was at the Natick Collection and gained an immense respect for Nordstrom - they have a sign on their window saying they won't start Christmas stuff until the day after Thanksgiving. Much better than Santa in the other part of the mall!

Christine said...

I have to say that I live with a man who would listen to Christmas music in JULY (and he has!!) and we did have Kidz Bop Christmas playing in the house on Saturday - the kids LOVED IT! The tree will go up November 23rd...
I used to feel the same way you do Tom, but looking through the eyes of children has softened me!! Hope to see you on Turkey Day!! Keke

Christine said...

check out this site...if you dare...

Catherine said...

I completely agree with you T.C. Christmas music is great after Thanksgiving! (And then getting the Christmas tree is too) Sadly, went to Victoria's Secret today and they're already rocking the Xmas music too. :(

Anonymous said...

christmas music before thanksgiving is ridiculous.

i would much prefer to hear it begin the week of christmas itself.

this is largely because the most common use of christmas music is for schmaltz--and that's something i really dislike.