Saturday, June 30, 2007

What's up doc?

So Day two of the Rabbit. I dropped off the title to the Audi, so I am officially done with it. *sniff* *tear* It was a good car.

My god this car can move. It's got great pickup and I can be above 60 without even trying, so I need to keep an eye on that. I'm getting better.

It's officially been named too! The car's name is "Roger". Yes it's a boy car. :)

One of the cool features is that it has an iPod connector. No more stupid FM tranceiver that doesn't get loud enough and has static most of the time. The only negative is that it doens't fully interface with the iPod. It's designed to take the first 5 playlists and assign it to CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4 and CD5. CD6 is the setting for whatever you are playing on the iPod, so if you want ot listed to one of the playlists after the first five you have to manually select it and then plug the iPod back in. Still it's better than the FM Transmitter.

Switching gears, the surgery is still healing but I'm probably about 96% at this point. It's still tender but I really can't feel it anymore. I'm thinking it'll be mid-July before I'm 100%


Christine said...

Congrats on the new VW! I cant wait to see it! (and maybe drive it too - he he he) I LOVED my Jetta! Have fun with Roger..pretty soon you'll said "Audi WHO?"

Catherine said...

VWs need good strong German Hans. Hans and I bathed the other day. Would you really tell anyone that you and Roger were very dirty and needed a bath after going to the beach? I think not. Lucas said Roger Rabbit was unforgivably bad. Of course I liked the movie when I was younger (but don't tell) And now I understand why you told me to get a Rabbit. Hope he's a blast and wish I could drive standard so I could take him for a test drive.