Showing posts with label Theatre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theatre. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The final curtain

Well we did it. We finished the show. It was a fantastic show to end it all with and we even got it on video, so I'm looking forward to that.

Just a little bit more admistrative stuff to finalize the production side of things but we should have it settled down soon.

Time to crash. Ahh sleep. I missed you.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Eye of the storm

Well it's currently in the break between the matinee and the evening performance. The hall is empty and I have the green room to myself for a time. It's quite peaceful and relaxing at the moment.

Just a few more hours and what has taken over my life for the last 4 weeks (as it does every year) will be over. I always seem to reach a point in the process where I am looking forward to it being over just because its such a lot of work, but without fail, as it near the final performance it just feels such a shame to have it all end.

Just one more curtain and then off to the rest of my life.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Leaving Worcester

Well this is my last day in Worcester.

Cate and her mom Betty came last night to the performance. While the performances weren't the most well attended the audience both nights had good praise for the show. Overall I think it came off well.

I may have yet another crack at it as well, as John is planning a commercial recording next summer so I may just have to make another trip to London. Darn. :)

So I leave on at an 11:23 train back to Paddington Station and stay in London tonight. Cate and I are going to hop around the city and do some touristy things so maybe I'll even be inclined to take more pictures. Tomorrow we head to the airport and back home; so really I'll only be out of Worcester for about a day. To think, a trans-Atlantic flight, two 2-hour train trips only to spend all of my vacation in Worcester. I think that's amusing.

Anyways, I don't know what my internet situation is so this may be my last England post. See everyone soon. I so am not ready to go home though. If it were possible I'd vacation another full week. TTFN!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


So opening night of the Princess Bride was a success. My swordfight with Inego has never been better, and to top it all of we had a huge showing tonight for audience.

Apparnetly it had something to do with the fact that a side column note about the show was in the Telegram and Gazette on the front page of the Living section above the fold.

Here's the article:


Ok time for bed!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Princess Bride

I'm in a production of "The Princess Bride" at WPI. We are doing an outdoor production at WPI Higgins Gardens. For those familiar with the story I will be playing Count Rugen, The six fingered man.

The performances are June 12, 13, 14 at 7pm.
House opens at 6:30
The show is free.

Here's a synopsys from the for those who don't know the show. Also, please note that the script we are using is an adaptation of both the book and the screenplay so some things may be a bit different for those die-hard fans who can quote every line.

Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather to his ill grandson. The grandfather assures a romance-weary grandson that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup, his true love, away from the evil prince, whom she had agreed to marry five years after learning of what she had believed to be news of Westley's death. With help from Prince Humperdinck's disgruntled former employee Miracle Max, swordsman Inigo Montoya, and a very large man named Fezzik, the star-crossed lovers are reunited.

Campus Map:

We are at building 17 on the map and you can park in the lot marked "Staff Lot" that is off of Salisbury Street and the entrance road to Higgins House.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's going on...

Well it's been a while since I've made a proper post. So much has gone on lately. After the flurry of activity while I was in CA I guess I just got a bit burnt out. :)

Let's see....

Things are progressing along quite nicely for the Three Penny Opera. We had our initial rehearsal and I think its going to be a fantastic show. For those that don't know the show is about Macheath a.k.a. Mack the Knife (yes, like the song). It will be September 19, and 20. More details to follow later.

For those keeping score at home, in February I became the Chairman of the Board for Fremont Lofts. That's going well. It seems like we are finally getting things under control.

In April I was in a play called "The Punisher" about a literary super hero that does his best to rid the world of bad puns. I played exposition. I had had 4 monologues and each monologue had a separate costume. I think I win for line to costume ration of 1:1. The costumes were Toga, Professor, Bard and finally a one piece, grey and orange spandex superhero costume with cape. The show went well and New Voices 26 as a whole went fantastically.

At the end of April I took off to Florida for a work conference with a colleague. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. It was also fun to be able to go swimming in the large in-ground pool and relax in the jacuzzi every night.

The second weekend of May I went to NYC from Friday to Monday for Judd's graduation celebration. I'll post more about that later since it deserves its own post. I'll just drop a few key words to give you an idea of what it entailed: drinks, karaoke, ninjas, rent, Nintendo.

Most recently, I've been cast as "Count Rugen" in an outdoor garden production of "The Princess Bride". We will be performing June 12, 13 and 14 at Higgins Gardens. The start time will be announced later as it will be based on sunset.

Well that's all for now. More later.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

As much fun as chewing on broken glass

So I ate broken glass tonight...

I went to see "Mojo and the Sayso!" tonight and got to see another fantastic M. W. peformance. I swear they are really on a roll this year. Hat's off to Cara for a job well done and to Dom for a FANTASTIC set. Seriously, go see this show.

As for the glass, rest assured it was sugar glass and it really was yummy.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Exeunt The Mikado

Every curtain that goes up must eventually come down, and so it goes with The Mikado. I don't think I've worked that hard for anything in a very long time. In the end it was all worth it though.

We had a good opening night followed by two sell-out nights. On Saturday we even had to increase the size of the house to about 350.

Thank you to everyone who came to see it. It was a pleasure to perform it. It was also great that I had so many wonderful people to work with on the show.

Now, with this over, we begin to move forward with making Vox officially a recognized organization and also to plan next year's show. Until next time!