Thursday, January 31, 2008

As much fun as chewing on broken glass

So I ate broken glass tonight...

I went to see "Mojo and the Sayso!" tonight and got to see another fantastic M. W. peformance. I swear they are really on a roll this year. Hat's off to Cara for a job well done and to Dom for a FANTASTIC set. Seriously, go see this show.

As for the glass, rest assured it was sugar glass and it really was yummy.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

And in other news

Well it's been a while since I've posted anything to really update people on what's going on in my life (aside from the random Country music post which I think has had more comments than any other post in the history of my blog).

So what's new, eh? Well let's break it down by the various typical areas:

How's work?
- Work is going well. I'm very adjusted these days handling the Blackboard system and that's going well. The SharePoint deployment has taken off like wildfire this year and has kept me VERY busy thus far. I've managed to get several projects started and completed so I feel like I've accomplished a lot in the past year. Hopefully this will translate into a fantastic review. :)

How's the personal life?
- Things are going well. I had a great time with my friends at my Tree Trimming party back in December and then I had a great New Year's party. Honestly I think it was one of my best. I had a ton of people attending and I think I set the bar for next year. I also hosted my division's holiday party and that was a great time had by all. It was a great showing from the IT/Library folks and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

I'm already invited to 4 weddings this year and already in one of them as a groomsman for my friend Chris. Last year was 5 total invites, and of that I attended 4 and was in the wedding party for three of them. Also, two of them were destination weddings. This year only one is a destination. I need to start setting aside a "wedding budget". With any luck this year will be the end of weddings for a while, it's getting exhausting. :) I've attended an average of 3 weddings a year since I graduated in 2001.

I'm also taking a 10 day vacation out to the west coast and will be visting Colin and Kristin in LA and then my friend Sean in Portland. With any luck my friend Nick will be able to come visit from Seattle.

Additionally I've been elected to the Board of my Condo Association and I've been elected Greek Alumni Council president. I'm such a glutton for punishment :).

Finally, I had an awesome time at Mezcal Monday night with my colleagues and then I went out for kareoke with my friend Janelle and it was SOOO much fun. After nailing a Sinatra song, one of the regulars declared a "Frank-off" and in the end I won. It was a blast.

I think that's pretty much it and this has been a very long post so I'll add more later if I think of it and I'll try to post more often.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Colin, what have you done to me...

Ok, today I was listening to the radio and heard the latest single from Cascada, a German dance music trio. The song was "What Hurts the Most", and as I listed to it I realized I had heard it before. As I found myself listing to this high-tempo dance/techno song, I ended up thinking, "Damn, the country version was so much better." (The version that I'm refering to is the Rascal Flatts version.)

Have I truly fallen that far? Does this mean I have to say I like country music now? What have you done to me Colin! This is totally your fault. :)