Friday, December 30, 2005

Toys :)

Well talk about managed expectations. Apple stated that it takes 2 weeks before the iPod would ship and the estimated date would be January 11, which gives a delivery date of 5 business days later on January 18.

I got an e-mail today that said it shipped TODAY. That means it will be here by January 6, just in time to go to Vermont for Cate's birthday. WOOOHOOO.

Also, all of my accessories are sitting at the Shrewsbury UPS depot until school opens again on Tuesday. Score!

UPDATE: Even better, the iPod and all accessories arrived January 3. :-D

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Nano sized torture

Well isn't this amusing. I received today order shipping confirmations for all of the accessories I bought for the nano. They will all arive at my office at WPI on Friday so they will be there for me to grab on Tuesday when I go back to work. So I will have all of the accessories but no nano until January 16th or so. The estimated ship date of the nano is January 11th with a 5 day ship duration. *sigh*

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Update

Well Christmas has come and gone. It was a wonderful time to visit with the family. Dinner was wonderful as usual at my grandmother's house.

As for gifts once again the yearly tradition (see last two year's posts - 2004, 2003) has been alcohol related gifts, not that I mind :).

In my stocking was a 1L bottle of Rasberry Stoli (my favorite vodka), I got a bottle of wine from my aunt, and I got a set of 12 bordeaux wine glasses from my dad.

Additionally I got things for my condo: Loose leaf tea brewer w/ two glasses set, a 5 Liter Crock Pot, and an electric fondue set, plus a gift certificate to Crate and Barrel (one of my FAVORITE stores) and general spending money.

I also broke down and bought myself a black iPod nano. It should be here within 3 weeks (2 weeks until it ships and then 1 week to actually ship it). I also got a car charger/radio tuner for it, a workout case and a nice leather case for day-to-day use and protection.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Such a wonderful day

I'm not sure why but I'm in an incredible mood today. I think because as 2005 comes to a close so many things are finally coming together, the most important of which is closing on the Condo in February. To have this goal in site, to have every dime needed for the closing in the bank as of this moment, to be actually planning what should hopefully be my final move for some time is an incredible feeling.

I feel like I'm in fully in control of my life for the first time in years. I feel like a lot of loose ends are finally getting tied up. Buying this condo has affected every part of my life over the past 2 years of planning, saving, negotiating, following up, singing papers, and general anticipation. Everything in my life had to be measured against what was necessary in order to buy this condo. Go to Spain or Puerto Rico with the glee club? Nope, gotta save for the condo. Skiing up north with new skis? Nope, condo. Go out for sushi and drinks with friends? I really shouldn't, I'm broke this month after putting away the savings for the condo. My Dad told me that I'd have to give up my "rockstar" lifestyle in order to save for the condo, and while I never felt I had a "rockstar" lifestyle (he made the comment after I had flown down to NJ one random weekend when Colin was learning to fly - the flight was on a prop plane and damn its cold at night when flying in one of those things) I certainly majorly changed a lot of my spending habits and reprioritized a lot of things to get where I am. Now don't get me wrong, in less than two months it will all be worth it, but it will be nice to not have this big giant thing hanging over my head that dictates what I can and cannot do.

In 2006 I will turn 27 and that doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I don't know why but I'm actually looking forward to it. 26 was ok, but it really was a fairly tumultuous year. I'm hoping that 27 will provide me with a bit more grounding and direction. Today is my last day of work for 2005 and I hope to enjoy the first real vacation I've had since summer and I can't wait to throw my yearly (and now jointly with Elliot) New Year's Eve party. Should be a good time. To everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

No good can come of this *grin*

Well it was bound to happen at some point. My mother and aunt now read my blog. This should be very, very interesting. I'm not altogether worried about it given that I practically tell my mother everything as it is, and having this blog up means that anyone and everyone can read it.

The only real area of concern is that my target audience thus far has been my friends who are my age, so if I get the urge to curse, be a bit crude, or even simply use terms that are not well known out of the immediate circle of my friends, then I do so. Of course that is not going to change. In the end the one major person I write this for is me and if other people like reading it, so be it. :)

So to Mom and Keke, welcome. This is my blog. I hope you enjoy it, but read at your own risk. You may find it amusing. You may find it enlightening. You may also find answers to questions you would rather not have asked. Thus is the risk of reading someone's journal. Consider yourselves warned. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Latest on the Condo

Well the condo closing is back to being mid-February. No biggie. It turns out the info the realtor had was not entirely correct.

I will likely be having an open house sometime in April once I settle in.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Congratulations to Colin and Kristin on their engagement. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple. Kristin is an incredible woman that Colin was lucky enough to find and hold onto. ;) I wish them the best. An Irish toast to you both:

"May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future."

[BTW, this is what I didn't mention on 11/30 for those that were wondering. They had gotten engaged that evening and I wanted to give them both time to tell anyone they wanted directly before I said anything here on the blog.]

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Countdown to home

Well, I got told Tuesday that my Condo very well may be ready for closing the 3rd week of January, a whole 3 weeks earlier than expected. With that being the target date I'll likely try to close on February 1 to make everything nice and easy for moving out of Elliot's, bills, mortgage etc.

Its exciting and scary to have this get so close to being real. I keep expecting to wake up and find it was all a dream. I just have to hold on a little bit longer.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Show in 24 Hours

I had a TON of fun with the 3rd Annual Alpha Psi Omega (AYO) Show in 24 Hours, although this one was technically 22 hours.

Here's how the whole thing works:

6pm - Reunion Dinner - dinner and a good time to see all the AYO alumni and time to catch up.
8pm - Convene at the venue location (this time the Little Theatre) and discuss casting. Each actor discusses what they have available for props and costumes. After this the director and writer(s) of each team (3 teams this year) decide who they will take for actors.
8pm - 7am - set, lighting and sound designs are made. set is built and lights are hung.
6:30 am - scripts are due
7am - actors due to the stage to begin work with directors
7am - 12pm - work with directors on readthrough, lines and staging
12pm - 12:30pm LUNCH
12:30pm - 3pm - Stage time
3pm - 5pm - Tech time
5:30pm House opens
6pm ***Show goes up***
7pm Show ends
7:15pm Strike begins
8:00pm Strike ends

All in all a very challenging thing to do. Learning lines in the span of 10 hours is a very intense experience. I certainly can't wait until next year.