Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I do....

So I'm of two minds today.

One part of me is ecstatic. Today the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) of Massachusetts ruled that it is unconstitutional for the state to deny marriage rights to gay couples.

The other part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop. The SJC stayed the execution of the order for 180 days, to give the Legislature "time to do what is feels is appropriate" in order to enact their ruling.

The pro-gay side is declaring full on victory stating the 180 days is to change the wording and punctuation of the forms so we can marry. The anti-gay side is saying the court left open a wide bearth for them to nullify the victory.

I have decided I'm going to be totally optimistic about this and believe the best possible outcome. We'll see in May if I'm right but I'm sick of being worried, sick of being afraid and I just want to enjoy this. Call me naive, call me a fool, but I'm going to believe this has the capability of being what it could be if for no other reason than it feels good to feel that way. I know this isn't the end of the battle and I will be there to help fight the remaining fights but I have to believe in something. I will believe that we have won.

All I ask is why is it so wrong for me to marry the man I love?