Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Countdown to Closing - Day 6

Well I just got a call saying that my walkthrough was cancelled. Apparently nothing has change since Sunday and there's still a lot of things left to do. I mean its only about a days worth of work but its not done. What we've decided is that I will reschedule my official walkthrough for Saturday, Sunday or Monday and I will go in at my existing scheduled time to do a "rough" walkthrough. What this means is that I'm going in understanding that some things aren't done, but I'm going to point out the major glaring items so that they know about them as soon as possible and have time to fix them.

They don't think this will affect my closing date, but its cutting things AWEFULLY close. I still have to have the unit appraised, which cannot be done until the unit is fully finished which doesn't give the apparaiser a lot of time to get in there. Potentially they'd only have Monday to get in there.

The odd thing, is that I'm not as stressed or upset as I would think I would be given the situation. At this point I'm fully prepared to push my closing date later in the month and just give myself a LOT more breathing room.

I heard from the Bank today and I should be getting a call from the Bank's lawyers soon to talk about payments and such as well as to confirm the closing date.

I still have yet to hear from Fremont's lawyers to confirm the date.

We'll see what's going on from here.


Judd said...

Hello, this is your resident bank guy. I've been terribly remiss in posting to your blog, TC so I thought I'd say hi.

Question, what bank is it and is it a mortgage? I'm sure you told me this before but I can't remember. Banks rarely will give loans on properties which are under construction but I'm sure your condo company has worked that out.

Also, the Prince of Romania?!?!?!?! Do you have any idea how much debit card fraud we get out of Romania!?! I'm glad I wasn't there because I would've ended up being really immature and give that guy a piece of my mind! Still, that's quite an interesting person to meet.