Sunday, April 10, 2005

Where am I?

Well its been a while since my last post. My life has been consumed by all things New Voices. As I had hoped I got a good role! I play the role of Pat in Passing. I am also Stage Manager/Asst. Director of Transactions Completed, Reporter #4 in Bunker and Assistant Director of Communications for the festival.

I recently threw myself a birthday party that was fun for the most part - minus the drama that basically killed the party at about 12:30. I guess that's what I get for having a party on the full moon during Mercury Retrograde. It was great to see people again. It was fun hanging out and relaxing for the first time in a while. With Merrily I really stopped doing anything social. The stress of it just ate up my life and left me with no free time. While I don't regret it, because it was a good experience and I met a lot of new friends, it was a very draining experience. New Voices is similar but not as bad. I've barely slept all week - bed at 4 am Sunday, 2 am Monday, 2 am Tuesday, 4 am Wednesday, 2 am Friday and I'm still up now at 2:45. Oh, and I've been up by 8:30 am every day this week. At least tonight I can sleep in a bit before my 12:30 rehearsal.

I've also decided I need to do SOMETHING about this single thing. Its been over a year since I broke up with Tim and I've found no one. Of course it doesn't help things when you aren't really looking. The thing that's really pushing this is that my sex drive finally kicked in to some noticeable level. Spring fever has hit me particularly hard this year.

Well time for bed. I doubt I'll be getting much sleep this week seeing as its production week. If you want to come to the shows check out the website at