Thursday, April 21, 2005

Spring has sprung!

Well spring is in the air and the weather has been beautiful. Of course this being New England, don't bother getting used to it, because it will change. For the next week the temps will be low to mid 50s with various levels of rain. The rain is needed to water everything so it can all start growing so I can deal with that. The sooner there are leaves on the trees and the grass gets greener, the sooner I'll be even happier.

Of course also with spring is spring cleaning. I went on a cleaning rampage and hit the kitchen, all the dishes, the bar, the living room and my bedroom. The house looks great now.

In other news I have been approved for my mortgage so I'm that much closer to getting my condo. It looks like at the moment the closing will be in January or February by the latest. I stopped by the condo building yesterday and it looks good. The windows are being put in and it looks they have a lot of the framing up. I'm told that the model unit should be done within the next few weeks so I'll have to go visit it so I can see what it'll all really look like.

That's all for now. Enjoy the nice weather!