Saturday, January 28, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I saw Brokeback Mountain the other night with some friends and it was incredible. I know one of the main complaints of the movie was its slow pace but that was a large part of what the movie was about. The sadness that aside from monthly fishing trips the relationship between the two men was really going nowhere. I think the movie was well done and well paced for the story. For anyone who is worried about the sex scenes, don't be. The sex scene (there was only one) was brief and almost entirely clothed. There's more male skin showing in most heterosexual love scenes. The most explicit same-sex interactions were the kisses which again, aren't all that much to deal with.

I think as a culture we are far too expecting of instant gratification, so that if there's no action in this movie, no fast pace, everyone is bored. I think the movie could likely have been cut down by about 20 minutes and it would have sped up the movie considerably, but I also think it would have lost some of the strength of the message and the feeling of time passing. You have to remember this movie spans about 20 years.

In my opinion this story is a quintessential love story at its core, regardless of what gender the charaters were. This movie deserves every award it gets.