Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hey old friend...

Wow, its like all my old friends are just coming out of the wordwork now. Its great.

Last saturday I had dinner with Colin, his girlfriend Kristin, and Kristin's roommate Meg. It was a great time and it was great to hang out with everyone. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed spending time with Colin, and I didn't realize how much I missed him. Amazing how much you take for granted someone when you live with them and see them on a regular basis. Hopefully I can rectify that during his last year at WPI.

Tuesday I finally got back in touch with Andrew after not seeing him or chatting with him since we were supposed to get together back in late August. It was nice to hang out with him and we ended up going to Cafe Dolce (my favorite cafe). When we got there who should I run into but John Schnelle, whom I've also been trying to get in touch with for weeks and I haven't seen him in months.

Its weired that within a week I've reconnected with three different friends (2 in one night!) that I haven't seen in a while. Who knows if this a trend or not but I hope so, I always love seeing old friends.