Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dance, dance, dance

The number one issue I have going out to clubs is that by 1am I'm dragging and am starting to watch the clock to leave. Well, I've found the solution to that problem; Red Bull and vodka. Why oh why didn't I discover this sooner? This now will become my official drink of clubbing, and on nights that I don't feel like drinking I'll simply have Red Bull straight up.

Well last night was a TON of fun. I went out with Max to Rage and had a great time. It was awesome hanging out with him and it sure is a lot of fun to dance with him. :) It sucks that Max and I have such busy schedules cuz I love spending time with him and I miss him a lot in between times. At any rate I'll be bringing him to the cast party so that should be a good time. I hope someone is bringing the limes and the tequilla! ;)


Anonymous said...

Red Bull and Vodka - you didnt know about that? SHAME on me - bad aunt for not clueing (sp?) in on that one! Sorry TC! KEKE