Thursday, December 22, 2005

No good can come of this *grin*

Well it was bound to happen at some point. My mother and aunt now read my blog. This should be very, very interesting. I'm not altogether worried about it given that I practically tell my mother everything as it is, and having this blog up means that anyone and everyone can read it.

The only real area of concern is that my target audience thus far has been my friends who are my age, so if I get the urge to curse, be a bit crude, or even simply use terms that are not well known out of the immediate circle of my friends, then I do so. Of course that is not going to change. In the end the one major person I write this for is me and if other people like reading it, so be it. :)

So to Mom and Keke, welcome. This is my blog. I hope you enjoy it, but read at your own risk. You may find it amusing. You may find it enlightening. You may also find answers to questions you would rather not have asked. Thus is the risk of reading someone's journal. Consider yourselves warned. :)


Christine said...

Obviously i like reading it since i check it every now and then...AND it inspired me to start my own!! :)

TC said...

Well welcome to the world of blogging. I hope you enjoy it and enjoy reading mine. :)