Friday, July 29, 2005

The last days of summer

Well I went to the Worcester Tornadoes game with Dani, my director, and other members of the cast and crew of Passing as well as my friend Andrew. It was a fun time even though the Tornadoes didn't win. Its always amusing to hang out with Andrew because he always has an opinion on everything and isn't afraid to say it.

Apparently he's convinced Dani to try going vegitarian. We'll see how long that lasts. :-P She's hoping for a month, I'm expecting no more than a week. *grin*.

Work is getting up to a fever pitch and it doesn't seem that I have enough time in a day. At the same time it constantly feels like I'm spinning my wheels trying to quickly get things done while also having to wait for the necessary pieces of the puzzle in order to complete it. I can't wait for A term so I can relax a bit.