Tuesday, July 19, 2005


No this has nothing to do with the play. I don't know why but I've been connected to a lot of deaths lately. I've had 4 wakes/funerals since April and I have another one that should be scheduled sometime in the near future. I've had 5 deaths in 4 months, one of which was personally connected through family. They say bad news comes in threes so I'm wondering if there will be a number 6. I sure hope not.

And, yes, I'm fine, just so everyone knows. Its just a little depressing to think of all the lives cut short, as many of them were. I tell people how many wakes and funerals I've been to and the response is usually that I'm too young to see this much death in such a short period of time. How do people live to their twilight years and watch all the people they know die? How do they cope?

It really makes you wonder how much you can take before you can't take any more. I really wonder, if you were offered immortality, would you take it? Could you? Could you really live forever and watch all the people you knew and loved die? How many times could you live through it before you wouldn't want to start again. What would keep you going?

I always have thought that if I could only live forever I could take every path and try everything. I could do photography to its fullest, and theater, and singing, and psychology, and politics, and anything else I'd like to do; change my vocation every 15-25 years and live life to its fullest. Lately I wonder if I would be able to live with some of the drawbacks to living forever? Who wants to live forever....