Monday, November 28, 2005


Anonymous said...

It was dark and wonderful and now I pose some comments/arguements/etc:
A)They were never children's books. A children's book means 6 year olds. She started by aiming it at 5th graders.
B)Hasn't anyone else noticed that the level of the books match the age of Harry and his friends? Just like Reboot did for us on TV. If you started reading HP at 10 then you'd be 16 or so now right? That book is perfectly on level for a 16 year old.
C)If his life was going to be all puppy dogs with 3 heads, his enemy would be called the Dark Lord. It's have been Stincky - the Kid Next Door or something.

TC said...

Oh, I agree that its not really a children's novel as much as a young adult, and I'm also very happy that JK Rowling is being so complex and adult about the issues of death etc.

I also really see your point about the series aging with the readers.

I was mostly in shock that the book actually did what it did. I was amazed and I have a lot of respect for Rowling as a writer.