Monday, March 29, 2004

I raise my glass...

First of all, sorry to everyone about the lack of updates. I've been really busy lately. I have had the unique privilege and pleasure to be on the planning committee for WPI Prof. Louis Curran's retirment Gala Weekend Concert. My responsibilities involved arranging the social events including an informal cocktail at O'Connor's Restaurant on Thursday, a formal cocktail on Friday and then a Cocktail/Dinner at Maxwell Silverman's on Saturday. On Sunday was the performance of the Mozart Requiem. It was incredible. We had over 300 voices singing the piece and from where I was singing it sounded phenomenal.

So many wonderful things were said about Louis. It was quite touching. The man is a WPI icon. He's is truly a character and an individual of incredible moral fiber and a consumate gentleman. He is also incredibley demanding. It was said of him that he demanded that those in his charge become men and it was very true. He would push you to become the person you had the potential to be.

He will be sorely missed.