Thursday, October 02, 2003

Dealer Hits on 16, Stays on 17

Well, my friend Howie started work today as the new Windows Systems Administrator at WPI and has moved into the other half of the office. Less space for me, but this should actually be good. Already we have better lighting and it looks like things will go well. :-)

After work, Howie, my boss Jon, my other friend John and I all went to Mohican Sun to have some fun and gamble some money. I don't normally gamble but what the hell, I went anyways. I decided I'd gamble $100, no more, no less, and if I won; great. If I lost; oh well. I played blackjack all night and I got up to $125 ahead and then proceeded to lose it all. I'm not too upset since I had planned on walking out of there without the $100 anyways, and plus it was a lot of fun. I think I'll go back again sometime, but not for a while.