So the only good thing about the almost 14 inches of snow that was dumped on Worcester just two days after a glorious 60 degree sunny day was I got to take another trip down the slopes at Wachusett Mountain. At this point my season pass is more than paid for so I’m happy. The amusing thing was how this all ended up happening.
Today Anthony im’d me to see if I was up for skiing, to which I replied I was. By the time work was over and it was time to head out, I was feeling less up for it. I was tired and I was a bit in the zone for work so I wanted to try to get work done. I was contemplating cancelling on him but ended up deciding against it because then he’d be heading out on his own and I didn’t want to do that to him.
Turns out towards the end of the day he developed a headache and found he really wasn’t in the mood for skiing but decided to press on so as not to cancel the plans with me.
In the end we both went skiing so as not to upset the other, even though neither of us was really all that into it at that point. We did have fun though once we got to the mountain and didn’t realize that the other had considered cancelling until we were heading up the lift for our last run. We also decided to be greedy and try for a spot close to the mountain (they were full back to lot 9 or 10 I think). The first pass came up empty through lot 5 but we decided to push our luck and headed all the way up to lot 3 the second time around and ended up pulling around just as someone pulled out. Ahh… Greed is good. :)
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