Friday, December 31, 2010

A year in review

Is this thing on?  Is anyone still reading?


Yes, I’m very bad about writing on this thing.  I tend to post a bit more often to my twitter feed (see the right column).  I just tend not to have the time or the motivation to post longer posts, because when I actually do post, I want it to be quality and of some degree of substance.  Twitter allows me to just do a quick thought upload, whereas my blog requires more thought.


An early new years resolution is to at least be consistently posting once a month.  I figure that’s a reasonable and achievable goal.  On to the meat of the post. 


2010, what a year; what a decade.  It feels like I’ve just been going non-stop this year.


It started off with a trip to L.A. to visit with Colin and Kristin.  I had a fantastic, almost two weeks out there.  It’s always a great time visiting them and I’m already looking forward to October 2011 when I next visit them.


In March I had the pleasure of being the officiant for the marriage of two good friends of mine.  It was a lovely trip to Florida for the wedding and I thank my good friend Paul for keeping watch over me as I slowly succumbed to the fun of a major chest/head cold.  The show must go on so I had a bottle of Robitussin on hand the entire weekend and managed to keep going strong until about the start of the reception when I finally felt the brunt of being sick and got very tired and eventually left slightly early.  Flying home while sick is not a fun experience.


In April, I had to say good-bye to my dear Grammy.  She was an incredible woman, who was always quick with a smile and had a strength of personality that just couldn’t be denied.  She will be missed.


Also in April

  • I had a joint birthday party with my friend Dani – my 31st and her 32nd.  It was a theme party: Greek Gods.  I went as Dionysus and she and her husband went as Persephone and Hades.  It was a great time.
  • I went to see Matt Doyle in concert and it was an incredible time with my friend KK.  This is a song from the actual concert I went to:
  • My fraternity had it’s 45th anniversary.


In May I finally got into high gear with my weight loss goals.  I started eating better, I started kickboxing and consistently ran.  By July 1 I had lost almost 25 pounds.  Since then I kept up with the kickboxing, but now have switched to doing some martial arts, specifically Wing Chun.  I really enjoy it, but it’s not quite the cardio work out so I have to get back to the running again.


At the end of the month I took a fun trip to Vermont with Dani and her family for the Memorial Day weekend.  It was a lot of fun.


In June, not much happened.  In July, I had my 3rd of July party and went down to NYC again to see Matt Doyle in concert again. Amazing.  He has a CD coming out in the very near future.  You must get it.


In August it was a lot of prep work for the start of the school year as well as the start of Guys and Dolls.  This year I was back on the stage as Nathan Detroit and I had a blast! 


September was all Guys and Dolls all the time. The other big thing at this time was that my friend Dani announced she was having a baby :)  She’s gonna have such a cute daughter and be a great mom.


October I went to NYC for Missa Gaia. I also had the incredible opportunity to see A Little Night Music with Bernadette Peters and Eileen Stritch from the second row.  It was breathtaking and a moment I can always say, I was there to see it.


In November I spent another weekend in NYC with my friend Pace for the second year of what has become an annual tradition of heading to NYC to see a couple of shows.  The way it works is that we choose at least one show that we must see, and then we grab a matinee of something else playing at the time.  This year we saw Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake which was spellbinding and moving.  If you ever have the chance to see it, do so.


In December I participated in the annual Alpha Psi Omega Show in 24 hours.  For those unfamiliar with the concept we cast, write, build, learn and perform 4-5 shows in a 24 hour period of time.  For me this year, it was quite a challenge.  I played 4 characters.  With four different voices/accents.  With 13 pages of lines.  That I had to learn in 11 hours. And two of the characters were puppets.   Thank you Kelly for your help learning lines!


I then had my tree trimming.  It was a fun time with some good friends.


Christmas was a great time seeing all the family.


Finally, I will end the new year tonight with my 10th annual New Year’s Eve party.  This year I decided to go all out and I’m catering it and it’s a Black Tie event.  I’m really looking forward to it.  So many of my friends are pumped about dressing up that I can’t wait to see everyone get here and what they are wearing.


Overall it’s been a great year, and I’m looking forward to 2011.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Life is good :)

So I’ve been pretty busy lately.  Every time I mean to do an update I get side-tracked.


Why is life so good you ask?  Well mostly because little things are going well.  I’ve had fantastic dinners with friends recently, I recently passed my Microsoft SharePoint Certification exam, and I’m heading to NYC this weekend.


This weekend I’m going to see Matthew Bourne’s “Swan Lake” with my friend Pace.  Last year at this time we headed down to NYC to see “Next to Normal” (which subsequently was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Drama) and “Fuerza Bruta”.  We also closed a karaoke bar. I expect this weekend will be equal to the task.


I’ve also started running again this week and am back to two miles at 10 minute miles.  I decided that this time I’m concentrating on distance and am going to keep to a 10 minute mile until I can get up to 7 miles.  After that I’ll increase the speed slowly.


I’ll have more to update after the weekend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Give my regards to Broadway

After political rants, baring of souls and other heavy things, let’s get to some lighter fare.


On the weekend of October 1, I went down to NYC for Missa Gaia, which is an “Earth Mass” by Paul Winter celebrating the Feast of St. Francis at St. John the Divine church in NYC.  As it was last year, it was a fun time.


The most incredible part of the weekend was on Friday when some friends and I went to see A Little Night Music.  This is the musical by Sondheim that has “Send in the Clowns”.  My friend John got tickets in the second row, just right of center!  It was incredible to be that close to the stage.  Additionally, the show had Bernadette Peters and Eileen Stritch in the production.  Seeing those two grande dames of the stage was one of the most incredible experiences of my life!  Watching Bernadette Peters sing “Send in the Clowns” was one of those experiences that I’ll be able to always say “I was there when…”


In two weeks I’m back to NYC to see Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake.  This production takes the traditional ballet production and turns it on its head with an all male corps de ballet.  Best part about this is that I get to spend some long overdue time hanging out with my friend Pace.


I have to say, there are times when I’d love to be living in NYC, just for the option to head to a show whenever I wanted.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, I can’t say enough how much I have appreciated all the kind words I’ve received after posting my “letter”.  That it moved some of you to tears, moved me as well.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, October 20, 2010) many people will be wearing purple to honor the 7 boys who have committed suicide in recent weeks due to homophobia and bullying as well as all of those who have been and continued to be bullied.

One of my favorite songs, especially when my days are grey and lonely is “Tomorrow” from Annie; which incidentally was the first musical I ever saw.  My Mom took me when I was 8.  So as you see it’s her fault I’m gay ;)

Additionally, Matt Doyle and other Broadway stars have put together a new song for the "It Get’s Better” project.

Remember – wear purple tomorrow!

Friday, October 15, 2010

A letter to past me, from future me

I saw a letter like this on a gay advice column and I felt the need to do the same in light of the recent spate of lives that have been tragically cut short due to suicide and related to homophobia and bullying.  I thankfully never got to a point where I considered ending my life, but there were times I did want to run away from it all.  I was lucky to have the love and support of family and friends.  Some kids aren’t so lucky.

Dear Tommy,


I wish this letter would find you well, but I know that you are having a rough time right now.  You are thinking about the upcoming year at Junior High School.  You’re still drying your tears from the sobbing you did, begging Mom and Dad to send you to a private Junior High.  They told you to hold on for a bit longer and it will get better, and in the end they will be right.


The taunting, harassment, and teasing seems unbearable at the moment, and you want to disappear to some place where nobody knows you and you can start over.  You are tired of being called a girl, a sissy, and other names.  You’ve always been strong, and you’ve learned over the years not to cry, because crying just makes them tease you more.


I wish I could tell you that every day would be better, but we both know that wouldn’t be realistic.  Next year the boys will learn some new taunts, such as “gay boy” and “faggot” and that will be rough, but you’ll also have some great friends who will help you through it.  Your friend Chris in particular will stick up for you and have a few words with people and it’ll soon die down.  You’ll even begin to enjoy school forgetting that you ever wanted to go somewhere else.


In high school, you’ll have a few years before the whispering and the teasing starts up again, but by this time you’ll have more confidence to handle it on your own.  You’ll use that head of yours to turn things around and stand up for yourself, just like Mom and Dad said you would.  It won’t be the easiest thing, but you will be better for having gone through it.


In college, you’ll figure some other things out and make some life long friends that help you deal with everything that you’ve held tightly inside for so many, many years.  Most importantly, you won’t be alone.


I can tell you that eventually, you’ll be successful, confident and most importantly happy.  It won’t happen overnight.  You’ll have your battles to fight, but you’ll come out stronger every time.


So dry those tears, go to sleep and get ready to show the world that we never back down, we just keep moving forward.




Tom, Age 31

Posted in

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hate is not a family value

One thing I’m not shy about on my blog are my feelings about gay rights and what I’ve gone through as a gay man over the years.  I’m pretty lucky overall.  I have a loving and supportive family, friends who support me for who I am and organizations, such as my fraternity, that have always made me feel at home.  This has made me a very strong and confident gay man who is at peace with myself, comfortable with my sexuality and able to deal with the ignorance, bigotry and outright hatred that is in the world.


In the recent months there have been 6 boys from middle school to college age that have taken their lives, rather than live with the bullying and harassment that they were subject to, sometimes on a daily basis.


Recently, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (one of those “Family Values” coalitions that seek to eliminate any and all gay rights, as well as anything else that they don’t find fit into their small minded views") was given a platform for his views by the Washington Post as part of their desire to hear “both sides” of the gay teen suicide issue.  In this diatribe he turned around and blamed the problem on the Gay community.  Here’s an excerpt:


“Some homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal--yet they have been told by the homosexual movement, and their allies in the media and the educational establishment, that they are ‘born gay’ and can never change,” he wrote. “This--and not society's disapproval--may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide.”

This is classic “blame the victim”.  The consistent cry from the religious far right is that homosexuality is a choice, that’s it’s learned and that you can be “cured”.  This is their basis for why there shouldn’t be gay marriage.  They argue against gay adoption because it could turn the children gay.  Now they are saying that the hate and hostile environment that groups like them foster isn’t the problem, it’s merely that the Gays are saying that homosexuality cannot be changed that is causing these children to take their own lives.


I have a few thoughts on this.

  1. For the straight people reading this, when did you decide to be straight?  At what point did you actively consider, try out and process going either straight or gay? 
  2. I am a gay child of straight parents.  Most gay children come from straight parents.  How exactly will gay parents influence their children any more or less than straight parents?
  3. The American Psychiatric Association has long since moved away from the idea that homosexuality is a condition that can be “cured”.  Also, how often have we heard of members and leaders of these groups that preach the ability to change and be straight ending up embroiled in gay sex scandals? (George Rekers, Eddie Long, Ted Haggard)


The one thing that I take consolation in is that in the long run progress and understanding only move forward.  It won’t happen overnight, but I know that in my lifetime I will see a time when gays are equal to straights in all ways.


How to help and show support:

  • There is currently a movement to recognize this unfortunate trend of gay suicide and in honor of those lives which have been cut far too short, on October 20 everyone is being encouraged to wear purple.  I will be doing so and invite you to do the same.
  • It Get’s Better Project: A website to show lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth that it does get better and that suicide is not the answer
  • The Trevor Project: A national crisis and suicide prevention hotline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A little bit odd

So, anyone who knows me would agree that I’m a bit of a Type A personality.  I like to plan, and organize, and have a process for things.  I can be spontaneous when needed...   


…but only with proper planning :)


At any rate, I am able to laugh at myself a bit for this and I had a moment of self-awareness about this trait of mine yesterday as I was working out budget numbers, reconciling transactions and getting everything added up and organized.  Once it was done I was incredibly happy, at ease and relaxed.


I’m a bit of a dork, aren’t I?


Well that’s all for now.  I promise to try to write more regularly.  I unfortunately am not the natural writer that my friend Dani is. :)

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Odds and Ends

Small Campus/Large Campus

So I’ve noticed something amusing recently.  I’ve found that there are some people on campus I see almost daily.  They aren’t necessarily even people I know, but people I remember interacting with at NSO or other times, and it seems I can’t go anywhere on campus without passing them.

On the other hand, there are some people I almost never see on campus.  My neighbor Cory for instance, I think I’ve seen him on campus about 4 times in 4 years.  My cousin Adam, I’ve only seen “randomly” on NSO.  Other than that it was when I went to dinner with him and my Dad earlier this month.

It’s just interesting and amusing on such a small campus to see who I do and don’t run into over time.


I’ve been getting headaches lately.  Not quite migraines, as I don’t really get them, but some pretty sever stress headaches.  Now after the last post about my new glasses, some might think it’d be an eyestrain issue, but that isn’t it.  I got checked out and I’m nearly 20/20. 

I had similar headaches at the same time last year, so I don’t know if it’s seasonal, the stress of the students returning, the stress of the musical, or some combination of the three.

At any rate, I’ve just got to keep rested and hydrated and hopefully it will pass.

Coming attractions

I am very excited that I’m going to see a few show’s in the near future:
  • October 2: A Little Night Music with Bernadette Peters and Eileen Stritch
  • November 6: Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake

Monday, September 06, 2010

On with the show

It’s been a bit since my last post and it’s been quite a busy, busy summer.  So where to begin…

Well my laptop finally got fixed.  Turned out it needed a firmware update in order to make the touch screen work correctly.  Now I’ve fully moved over to it and am loving being able to use a touch screen to get things done.

As to the weight loss and running, I’ve pretty much been on a hiatus since July ended.  Part of it was to let my legs recover after pushing them a bit too much, part was just being super busy with work and visiting with friends over the summer.  My weight ended up back at about 193, but I was able to maintain there throughout the summer and through the beginning of A term at WPI.  That’s still a solid 20 pounds lighter than I was in March.

I’ve begun running again, and I’ve maintained at least one night a week of kickboxing, if not two.  Once the show is over I’ll be back to 2-3 times per week.

What was really good was being able to go to Old Navy to pick up new jeans yesterday and fitting back into size 32 jeans.  I had to get a pair of size 34 back in February which was one of the final straws to losing the weight.

I also got a new pair of glasses :)  I have a very slight prescription so I only need them for times when I’m viewing things from a distance such as a lecture hall or if I’m at the theatre.  As such, they need to look good.  I took my friend Dani with me to make the final determination between two pairs of glasses I had decided between.  She vetoed both of them. :-P  Actually, that’s not entirely true, but after going through a number of other frames, we found a pair she liked and I told her that they were simply a larger lens version of one of the first pair. Turns out she liked them because they were brown and the original ones (in black) could be had in brown.  Here’s what we got:


Finally, my life is currently owned by the fall musical at WPI.  This year I return to the stage and am playing one of the leads.  We are doing Guys and Dolls and I play Nathan Detroit.  You may know such songs from this show as “Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat”, “Luck Be A Lady”, and “Adalaide’s Lament”

Well that’s enough for now.  I will try to write again soon!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

One of those days…

So we’ll get back to the back-posts soon enough.  Trust me there’s more to catch you up on.

At any rate, things have been going well.  I finished the bet and did well will the weight loss – 25 lbs in 4 months.  I want to lose another 13-15 lbs and these are going to be the really hard ones as I get closer and closer to the goal.

I've been running at the indoor track at Bally’s lately and been feeling pretty good about how I’ve been doing.  My speed has been good and my distance has also been good.  Or has it….

Come to find out the track at Bally’s isn’t exactly an eighth mile track.  Apparently it’s a ninth mile track.  So I’ve been miscounting my laps by one for every “mile” I thought I ran.  That means my stellar 7:45/mile 2 mile run is only an 8:44/mile for 1.78 miles, and the 3 mile run is merely a 9:30/mile run for 2.67 miles.  And my beyond excitement single mile at 6:44 today?  Simply a 7:34/mile pace for 0.89 miles.

Now granted, those are still pretty good times all things considered, but when you think you do a lot better, it’s a bit of a let down.

Oh and that mile I did today?  I was trying to change things up and really push it on a single mile and go back to a longer distance tomorrow or Thursday.  Yeah… not the best idea.  I might have pushed the legs a bit too hard.  We’ll see tomorrow.

Leaving the gym I left to go to Trader Joe’s to pick up some of the Greek yogurt that Dani turned me on to.  It’s quite good, even plain.  I like it with cinnamon.  Well I get to Trader’s at 9:05 only to find out they close at 9:00.

Finally, I got my new laptop today at work and it ended up having a faulty touch screen.  There was a dead zone about an inch square in the upper right corner.  Now I have to wait two days for the repair depot shipping box to arrive, ship it back, wait another 5 days or so for them to repair it and then a few more days for it to come back.

So yeah… it’s been one of those days.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Bet: After

So I realized I never said if I won or lost in my last post.  As it turned out, I “lost”.  I use quotes because I lost the bet, but I also lost 25 lbs, so I really can’t be too upset.  As I told Dani, $100 is the cheapest personal trainer for 4 months of training ever.

So these are initial after pictures.  I’ll post more as I get them.  I’m hoping I’ll have some good candid shots from events over the rest of the summer (and as I continue losing more weight).

First off, on MSN they had an article about how betting on losing weight makes you more likely to succeed.  So go all-in on your health.

And now, the after pictures and more notes.

Weight Bet - July 1 012

Weight Bet - July 1 003 Weight Bet - July 1 004

Now this picture shows two shots of me.  Me on the left in red is now.  On the right is a totally different “before” picture.  Dani sent me this picture that she took back in 2005 when we first met.  From my calculations I was about 186 when we met and this picture was motivation to get back to that size. 


The Bet: The Story and Before Pictures

We interrupt the backlog of posts to bring you some current news.
So, some of you are aware that I’ve been in a weight loss bet with my friend Dani.  Dani has been going to the gym and doing kickboxing since last November and has really enjoyed it.  At about March, after losing about 10 lbs, she made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse.  She said that she needed some motivation to keep going further along than the 10 lbs, and she figured I needed motivation to finally get it in gear and get to the gym.  What resulted for a series of conversations around that topic was that
  1. We were going to have a joint birthday party with a Toga theme
  2. We were going to have a weight loss bet to May 1 (the day of our party) to lose 15 lbs each.

To speed through some of the story, we ended up having the party mid-April and we changed the terms (balanced the weight loss goals between me and Dani – about 1 lb a week for her and 2 lbs for me) of the bet and extended it through July 1.

On March 1, I weighed in at 213.  That pretty much is the high point of weight for me since I started keeping track back in 2004.  The lowest recorded weight I have was 181 on April 10, 2004.  One final weight reference point is that when I met Dani in March 2005, I was close to 186.

Additional measurements I take are waist, stomach and chest.  On 2/22/2010, right before the bet, I was 39, 42 and 40.5 inches respectively.

I will now take a cue from Dani’s recent posts (before, after) at this point show some of the least flattering pictures of me I can find.  Tomorrow I’ll post some after photos.

My 30th Birthday Party (March, 2009)
2009-03-21 TC Bday 1
Missa Gaia Trip with Glee Club (October 2009)
  2009-10-02 - Missa Gaia NYC
AXP Thanksgiving (November 2009)
2009-11 - Crow Thanksgiving
Fraternity Composite Photo (December 2009)
Horribly unflattering “before” picture #1 (April 2009)
Horribly unflattering “before” picture #2 (April 2009)


Monday, June 28, 2010

Ninja and NYC

In honor of Judd’s recent birthday, it’s now time to make good on a promise I made back in May of 2008 to fully detail the exploits of the Judd’s NYC Graduation Celebration Extravaganza.  And now, the rest of the story.


The occasion was to celebrate Judd’s college graduation.  After many years of fits and starts Judd had finally succeeded in attaining his bachelor’s degree and felt we should celebrate in style.


The weekend began on Thursday night when I had Judd over for dinner.  The plan was for him to stay over so we could leave at our leisure the next day directly from Worcester.


On Friday we took off a bit after noon and drove down to NYC.  We got to the hotel, the Affinia Dumont,  just before dinner and checked in.  The hotel was great.  It was a suite with two double beds and a pull-out couch.  There was an initial misunderstanding with the room as Judd had booked a suite with an additional separate king size bed, but we seemed to have a different room when we arrived.  It turns out that we had the additional bed, but it was that he had booked the adjoining room, so we had to go in the door next door and then open the locked shared door.


That evening Judd and I had dinner at the restaurant attached to the hotel, the Barking Dog, while we waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Pretty ok for a basic meal, but nothing special.


Once everyone arrived we headed out in search of a karaoke bar.  We ended up at Sing Sing Karaoke.  We proceeded to cram 8 of us in a 6 person private room and then sang our heads off all night.  Don’t worry, we kept our throats well hydrated with a number of rounds of drinks.  I think I should have realized it was time to cut things off when at one point, rather than leave the room to get the next round myself, I simply handed my AmEx to Cate to buy the next round with.  The damage wasn’t that bad. :)


On Saturday, after plenty of water and sleeping late, we headed out to walk around the town, see 5th Avenue and go to various shops and stores.  In other words, be tourists.


That evening we went to Ninja restaurant.  Ninja was incredible!  It was a combination of theatre, fine cuisine, excellent service and great atmosphere. We ate in the Ninja Castle portion of the restaurant.  Words really can’t do it justice so I’d recommend looking at the website and then visiting yourself.  I’m looking forward to going back there someday.


Sunday morning we had a quintessential staple of NYC, the Sunday brunch.  We found a nice little restaurant and enjoyed various confections, pastries, breads and savory treats.


Well fed we headed out to see the Museum of Sex.  If you’ve never been, it’s worth going at least once.  It’s interesting to see how sex and all things sex related have changed over the years.


On Sunday night we went out to see Rent, which was in it’s final season.  It originally was supposed to have closed June 1, 2008, so we were getting to see it in the final weeks.  Given the incredible demand because it was closing they ended up extending the run through to September 7, 2008.  Our tickets were phenomenal – Center Orchestra, Row A (which is the 3rd row from the stage).  It was a great performance and the second time I had seen Rent on Broadway.


Later that evening some went out to Greenwich Village for a blues club, and others just hung around.


Finally, Monday morning rolled around and we packed up the cars and headed home.  Overall, an incredible weekend.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Always a groomsman?

It’s not so much that I’m always in a wedding as simply that I’ve had so many of them over the years.

I just recently returned from a trip to Florida to actually officiate a wedding (more to come in a later post) and I got to thinking about just how many weddings I’ve attended or been in over the years.

My calendar really only goes back to 2003 so we’ll start there, although there were a handful of weddings during college and immediately afterwards (most notably both my parents)

  • 2003 – 2 Weddings
  • 2004 – 4 Weddings
  • 2005 – 3 Weddings – Wedding party and sang in one of them.
  • 2006 – 4 Weddings – Two were on the same day.  Sang in one of them.
  • 2007 – 4 Weddings – Wedding party in three of them, two were travel weddings, sang in one of them, and there was a 5th wedding that I couldn’t attend because it was the same day as one of the four I went to.
  • 2008 – 5 Weddings – Groomsman in one of them
  • 2009 – 3 Weddings – Day of Coordinator in one of them, Travel for two of them
  • 2010 – 1 Wedding (so far) – Officiant and travel for the one.

  • 26 weddings in 8 years
  • An average of 3.25 per year
  • Groomsman/Usher: 5 times
  • Singing: 2 times
  • Air travel: 3 times
  • Closest location: Worcester, MA
  • Farthest location: Fayetteville, Texas

Now the amusing thing is that I mention this to friends of mine and they comment that they have similar numbers or possibly a few less, but they don’t realize until I point it out to them that they have as many weddings as a couple as I do single.

We’ll see if this year stays at 1 or if I’ll get another one soon.  I don’t think I have anyone else getting married soon, so we’ll see.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On Next Week’s Episode

So in order to provide some interest in future posts (and to help give me an idea of what to write about) I’m going to give you kind of an index of the coming posts.  If you see that I’m missing anything that you think I should write about, feel free to leave a comment.


  • Always a groomsman?
  • Ninja and NYC
  • VOX Cabaret 2009
  • My 30th Birthday Party
  • London Travels
  • Trip to DC
  • VOX’s production of South Pacific
  • A Weekend in NYC with Pace
  • Vacationing in Cali
  • Florida Wedding Trip
  • Matt Doyle in Concert in NYC
  • Memorial Day in Vermont

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On Last Week’s Episode…

Hmm… a bit dusty…

let’s clean this…  and move that…  change this…

Ahh… much better.


Well apparently this little corner of space is still around. :)


It’s been almost a year since I posted and even before that it was fairly sparse for updates.  I’m going to try to remedy that situation going forward.  My plan is to recap the major events of the last year or so and post a new story at least once a week until I get back to present day.


Also, to start over a bit, I’ve updated the look of the site.  I hope you like it.


Finally, here’s a recap of my most “recent” posts:

  • Summer 2008 – Trip to Worcester England to perform WitchWife: Requiem for Susanna Martin
  • September 2008 – VOX’s performance of The Threepenny Opera
  • October – November 2008 – The presidential election and Proposition 8
  • Winter 2008 – Off to see Were the World Mine
  • Spring 2008 – Had a minor car accident and purchased new couches for the condo


Until next time…