Well my laptop finally got fixed. Turned out it needed a firmware update in order to make the touch screen work correctly. Now I’ve fully moved over to it and am loving being able to use a touch screen to get things done.
As to the weight loss and running, I’ve pretty much been on a hiatus since July ended. Part of it was to let my legs recover after pushing them a bit too much, part was just being super busy with work and visiting with friends over the summer. My weight ended up back at about 193, but I was able to maintain there throughout the summer and through the beginning of A term at WPI. That’s still a solid 20 pounds lighter than I was in March.
I’ve begun running again, and I’ve maintained at least one night a week of kickboxing, if not two. Once the show is over I’ll be back to 2-3 times per week.
What was really good was being able to go to Old Navy to pick up new jeans yesterday and fitting back into size 32 jeans. I had to get a pair of size 34 back in February which was one of the final straws to losing the weight.
I also got a new pair of glasses :) I have a very slight prescription so I only need them for times when I’m viewing things from a distance such as a lecture hall or if I’m at the theatre. As such, they need to look good. I took my friend Dani with me to make the final determination between two pairs of glasses I had decided between. She vetoed both of them. :-P Actually, that’s not entirely true, but after going through a number of other frames, we found a pair she liked and I told her that they were simply a larger lens version of one of the first pair. Turns out she liked them because they were brown and the original ones (in black) could be had in brown. Here’s what we got:
Finally, my life is currently owned by the fall musical at WPI. This year I return to the stage and am playing one of the leads. We are doing Guys and Dolls and I play Nathan Detroit. You may know such songs from this show as “Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat”, “Luck Be A Lady”, and “Adalaide’s Lament”
Well that’s enough for now. I will try to write again soon!
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