Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A little bit odd

So, anyone who knows me would agree that I’m a bit of a Type A personality.  I like to plan, and organize, and have a process for things.  I can be spontaneous when needed...   


…but only with proper planning :)


At any rate, I am able to laugh at myself a bit for this and I had a moment of self-awareness about this trait of mine yesterday as I was working out budget numbers, reconciling transactions and getting everything added up and organized.  Once it was done I was incredibly happy, at ease and relaxed.


I’m a bit of a dork, aren’t I?


Well that’s all for now.  I promise to try to write more regularly.  I unfortunately am not the natural writer that my friend Dani is. :)


Anonymous said...

I feel like you are going to keep writing once a month just so I keep your blog linked to mine. ;)