Someone recently asked how I and other LGBTQ folks aren't completely consumed by anger and/or grief.
My response was that generation after generation, we've been through this. Maybe not personally, but there is a communal history and experience.
We've survived it. We know that we, the survivors, can eventually come out the other end, and in so knowing, we can seethe, cry, shout, rage, and anything else we need to do because we know at some point we'll be able to laugh again, to love, to embrace. We know that we'll pick ourselves up, look at the problem and work to tackle it head on.
My other comment to my friend is that it's key that the LGBTQ community is so tied to the Rainbow, as the Rainbow comes at the end of the storm, after the destruction, the devastation. The Rainbow is hope.
This blog post was in response to the following Facebook Post.
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