Here's another one. Fundamentalism is an issue regardless of the starting point, whether Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, or Judaism. The Abrahamic religions all have fundamentalist sects that take the context they want and use to oppress those they don't feel live up to their moral viewpoint. It's not just gays either, it's also women and often non-whites.
I want to be clear, this is not some new thing happening because of Orlando. Part of why I am posting these is to make folks aware that as far as we've come with acceptance of LGBTQ people, as much as you don't see an issue in your local circles, it's still very much there. For those of you who are allies, this isn't something you normally have to think about. For those of us in the LGBTQ community, we don't often talk about this because if we told you about every threat that came up, such as this, we'd scare our loved ones, not to mention we'd put ourselves in a state of constant panic. We simply keep on keeping on. We manage the risks we take and do what we can to minimize the possible danger we put ourselves in.
For those who are people of color, it's even worse, as acceptance within other minority communities is mixed at best, especially those that are within a generation or two of immigration. Especially those that are tied closely to religious groups.
For those that are Trans or gender-fluid, it's also worse. Especially for those that don't "pass" and who don't fit most people's pre-conceived notion of what a boy or a girl should look like.
It's also worse for gay men that are very feminine and/or flamboyant and couldn't hide it if they wanted to (but let's be real, they are often some of the fiercest members of our community and wouldn't turn down the intensity if you paid them. #werk). I'm sure there's similar issues for very butch lesbians. Again, if you don't fit the notion of what you're supposed to be like, it's not just judged, it can be dangerous.
So basically, for my allies reading this, understand what I think about and deal with, along with so many in this community, and think about speaking up if you hear a slur, or an off-color joke, or a politician who uses coded (or blatant) language to say that we are less than straight folks. If you are at a sermon where the pastor is preaching about how we LGBTQ folks need to be "saved" or "healed" or other such nonsense, consider if that really a community you want to support and be a part of. There are many LGBTQ affirming churches out there, it just takes a bit longer to find them at times. It doesn't have to get to be as bad as the minister I've attached for it to be hateful, hurtful, and inciting assaults against our community.
In closing, I ask that you think about what I've posted and try to feel what it is to be in my shoes and understand that silence is simply not an option. Understand that as a gender conforming, white, employed, middle class gay man living in a progressive state with strong legal protections, and with a circle of family and friends that support me, that I'm sitting at the top of the world here. All the scary things you've read lately, and my words about my fears? I have it relatively "easy", and if this is "easy" imagine how much harder it is for the most vulnerable in our community. Consider that for a moment.
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