Friday, December 30, 2005

Toys :)

Well talk about managed expectations. Apple stated that it takes 2 weeks before the iPod would ship and the estimated date would be January 11, which gives a delivery date of 5 business days later on January 18.

I got an e-mail today that said it shipped TODAY. That means it will be here by January 6, just in time to go to Vermont for Cate's birthday. WOOOHOOO.

Also, all of my accessories are sitting at the Shrewsbury UPS depot until school opens again on Tuesday. Score!

UPDATE: Even better, the iPod and all accessories arrived January 3. :-D

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Nano sized torture

Well isn't this amusing. I received today order shipping confirmations for all of the accessories I bought for the nano. They will all arive at my office at WPI on Friday so they will be there for me to grab on Tuesday when I go back to work. So I will have all of the accessories but no nano until January 16th or so. The estimated ship date of the nano is January 11th with a 5 day ship duration. *sigh*

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Update

Well Christmas has come and gone. It was a wonderful time to visit with the family. Dinner was wonderful as usual at my grandmother's house.

As for gifts once again the yearly tradition (see last two year's posts - 2004, 2003) has been alcohol related gifts, not that I mind :).

In my stocking was a 1L bottle of Rasberry Stoli (my favorite vodka), I got a bottle of wine from my aunt, and I got a set of 12 bordeaux wine glasses from my dad.

Additionally I got things for my condo: Loose leaf tea brewer w/ two glasses set, a 5 Liter Crock Pot, and an electric fondue set, plus a gift certificate to Crate and Barrel (one of my FAVORITE stores) and general spending money.

I also broke down and bought myself a black iPod nano. It should be here within 3 weeks (2 weeks until it ships and then 1 week to actually ship it). I also got a car charger/radio tuner for it, a workout case and a nice leather case for day-to-day use and protection.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Such a wonderful day

I'm not sure why but I'm in an incredible mood today. I think because as 2005 comes to a close so many things are finally coming together, the most important of which is closing on the Condo in February. To have this goal in site, to have every dime needed for the closing in the bank as of this moment, to be actually planning what should hopefully be my final move for some time is an incredible feeling.

I feel like I'm in fully in control of my life for the first time in years. I feel like a lot of loose ends are finally getting tied up. Buying this condo has affected every part of my life over the past 2 years of planning, saving, negotiating, following up, singing papers, and general anticipation. Everything in my life had to be measured against what was necessary in order to buy this condo. Go to Spain or Puerto Rico with the glee club? Nope, gotta save for the condo. Skiing up north with new skis? Nope, condo. Go out for sushi and drinks with friends? I really shouldn't, I'm broke this month after putting away the savings for the condo. My Dad told me that I'd have to give up my "rockstar" lifestyle in order to save for the condo, and while I never felt I had a "rockstar" lifestyle (he made the comment after I had flown down to NJ one random weekend when Colin was learning to fly - the flight was on a prop plane and damn its cold at night when flying in one of those things) I certainly majorly changed a lot of my spending habits and reprioritized a lot of things to get where I am. Now don't get me wrong, in less than two months it will all be worth it, but it will be nice to not have this big giant thing hanging over my head that dictates what I can and cannot do.

In 2006 I will turn 27 and that doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I don't know why but I'm actually looking forward to it. 26 was ok, but it really was a fairly tumultuous year. I'm hoping that 27 will provide me with a bit more grounding and direction. Today is my last day of work for 2005 and I hope to enjoy the first real vacation I've had since summer and I can't wait to throw my yearly (and now jointly with Elliot) New Year's Eve party. Should be a good time. To everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

No good can come of this *grin*

Well it was bound to happen at some point. My mother and aunt now read my blog. This should be very, very interesting. I'm not altogether worried about it given that I practically tell my mother everything as it is, and having this blog up means that anyone and everyone can read it.

The only real area of concern is that my target audience thus far has been my friends who are my age, so if I get the urge to curse, be a bit crude, or even simply use terms that are not well known out of the immediate circle of my friends, then I do so. Of course that is not going to change. In the end the one major person I write this for is me and if other people like reading it, so be it. :)

So to Mom and Keke, welcome. This is my blog. I hope you enjoy it, but read at your own risk. You may find it amusing. You may find it enlightening. You may also find answers to questions you would rather not have asked. Thus is the risk of reading someone's journal. Consider yourselves warned. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Latest on the Condo

Well the condo closing is back to being mid-February. No biggie. It turns out the info the realtor had was not entirely correct.

I will likely be having an open house sometime in April once I settle in.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Congratulations to Colin and Kristin on their engagement. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple. Kristin is an incredible woman that Colin was lucky enough to find and hold onto. ;) I wish them the best. An Irish toast to you both:

"May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future."

[BTW, this is what I didn't mention on 11/30 for those that were wondering. They had gotten engaged that evening and I wanted to give them both time to tell anyone they wanted directly before I said anything here on the blog.]

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Countdown to home

Well, I got told Tuesday that my Condo very well may be ready for closing the 3rd week of January, a whole 3 weeks earlier than expected. With that being the target date I'll likely try to close on February 1 to make everything nice and easy for moving out of Elliot's, bills, mortgage etc.

Its exciting and scary to have this get so close to being real. I keep expecting to wake up and find it was all a dream. I just have to hold on a little bit longer.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Show in 24 Hours

I had a TON of fun with the 3rd Annual Alpha Psi Omega (AYO) Show in 24 Hours, although this one was technically 22 hours.

Here's how the whole thing works:

6pm - Reunion Dinner - dinner and a good time to see all the AYO alumni and time to catch up.
8pm - Convene at the venue location (this time the Little Theatre) and discuss casting. Each actor discusses what they have available for props and costumes. After this the director and writer(s) of each team (3 teams this year) decide who they will take for actors.
8pm - 7am - set, lighting and sound designs are made. set is built and lights are hung.
6:30 am - scripts are due
7am - actors due to the stage to begin work with directors
7am - 12pm - work with directors on readthrough, lines and staging
12pm - 12:30pm LUNCH
12:30pm - 3pm - Stage time
3pm - 5pm - Tech time
5:30pm House opens
6pm ***Show goes up***
7pm Show ends
7:15pm Strike begins
8:00pm Strike ends

All in all a very challenging thing to do. Learning lines in the span of 10 hours is a very intense experience. I certainly can't wait until next year.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No day but today....

What a day.

First I overslept - I set my alarm to PM instead of AM. Lovely.

Today was the retreat and first meeting of the Greek Life Task Force. I'm on the Membership Development committee. We'll see how this goes.

After this I hung out at the house and then went out w/ Pace, Colin and Kristin to Rent. It was incredible. The sequences for "Tango: Maureen" and "Take me or Leave" were fantastic. Ok, gushing done.

**BEGIN RANT** (potential spoiler alert)
Ok, first off they cut several songs formost of them being "Contact". Given that sex was kinda one of the defining parts of the people's lives I'm a bit upset this was taken out, on the other hand out of all of the songs it was the least character based and was easily removed for ratings without killing the story. Of course it simply makes me appreciate the stage all the more given they can do things that just don't have mass market appeal since people come to the stage instead of needing to sell out thousands of movie theatres.

Other songs removed were:
"We're Okay" - not too important and not missed much - it also conflicted with the altered storyline that lead to "Take Me or Leave Me".

"Christmas Bells" - Again not a huge loss and didn't work with some of the new pacing of the show. They were able to take any necessary plot points and put it back it into the story in spoken word.

"Happy New Year" - Converted to spoken word and edited somewhat to work with some of the altered plot points.

Any and all "Voice Mail" segments are gone and partially converted to spoken word. Some are gone entirely.

"Halloween" - I think entirely gone. Can't remember.

"Goodbye Love" - They actually did have this but stopped after 2 minutes. I think of all the songs removed this one has the most that I missed. It had a bit of an argument between Mark and Roger that really showed a bit more of the flaws in Mark's character, as his weaknesses were less obvious than the rest. Also removed is the title section with Mimi singing "Goodbye Love". For that part I can take it or leave it, although it explicitly puts Mimi into a rehab before "What You Own".

I also missed specifically "Voice Mail #5" which was the round-style voice-mail with all the parents leaving messages looking for their children.

"Finale" - They pulled most of the beginning of this and converted the ATM comment and most of the end of thet song to dialogue with the except of the "I should tell you" reprise.

Damn I didn't realize until now how many songs they pulled or converted to dialogue. 7 major songs, 2 "Tune up" segments plus all 5 voice mails. Of course there's still 29 songs left in the show with those gone.

I think the main problem that can be said of this movie was that it didn't pick a direction. Either it was going to be a fully faithful adaptation of the stage production and make this essentially a filmed broadway show with slightly more realistic sets or it should have just accepted that it was going to be different and really work at that. "Tango: Maureen", "Take me or leave me", and "Take me out tonight" all were wonderful interpretations of the songs and the scenes.

Wow that was a longer rant than I had expected. Well I'm off to bed. I have one more item but I don't to steal any thunder so I'll mention it later this week. ;)

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Half-Blood Prince

My god....

I just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince....

my god....

so unbelievably twisted....

so harsh....

so dark....

This is a children's book????

I am at a loss....

Friday, November 25, 2005

Nice and organized

Well I have amazed even myself. I have completely cleaned up my room. The floor is clear and vaccumed. The trash is emptied. The clothes are all cleaned. Sheets are cleaned; both sets. My desk has been dusted as has the armoire. I've moved the air conditioners to the side wall so I can actually open up the drawers in my armoire and use them. I've organized all my bills and miscellaneous files and created a folder to take to work to be shredded that contains all 2004 bills and financial statements. My accounts are all reconciled in Quicken.

At this point I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the rest of the weekend. I'm sure I'll find something to do. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

I had a pretty good day today. My desk in my room is actually clean and organized. I know, I'm shocked too. Tomorrow the room will be attacked. We shall see if I survive.

I went to my Dad's first today and dinner was good. I got an unexpected present today. My Dad and his wife, Lisa, took the two pertinent pages from the New York Show's program (the info about Sam French and the Passing flyer) and framed them for me. It will be temporarily hanging in my office until I can hang it up in my condo.

Off to my Grammy's after my Dad's and that was fun. I had a piece of her cake and it was heaven. I don't visit my family nearly often enough, but I'm so busy its hard, not to mention while an hour drive doesn't seem too far away it requires at least a 3 hour commitment (2 hours round trip driving and an hour of visiting but it's usually about 2 hours). I got to see my cousins Abby and Aidan. Abby looks just like my sister when she was her age. Aidan is such a sweet baby. He got woken up to get ready to go home and he was kinda walking around in a bit of a "i'm so tired" daze and I said "Aidan, come here" and opened my arms to hug him and he turned and opened up his arms and started walking to me. I picked him up and he immediately moved around a bit until he found the perfect comfortable spot and proceded to nuzzle in with his head on my shoulder. I could have melted.

After that I went home and had a few glasses of rum and coke at the suggestion of a friend I was chatting with over IM. It was nice to chat with him for a bit, we don't chat as much as we did this summer as we've both been very busy and I miss it.

Well off to bed.

Monday, November 21, 2005

In the "home" stretch

Well I've been told I'll close on my condo on or before 2/15/05. Also I stopped by today and they've begun the exterior landscaping and the rear parking lot is almost finished. I'm looking forward to getting my new home. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

To be or not to be...

Where to begin....

Wednesday was the preview night for the shows and it was great. What a difference an audience makes.

Thursday was the Opening night with all of the trustees, board members, etc who were invited to the gala opening of the Little Theatre. The audience was good but I was a bit sluggish on my performance in some areas. *shrug* oh well, that's something I was able to work on.

Last night (Friday night) was incredible. The audience was great and it was a really good performance. We had the induction for Alpha Psi Omega (AYO) that night and it was a great time. The skit was HILARIOUS. If you were a WPI theatre person it was even better since you'd be able to get some if not all of the subtle in-jokes and nods to previous theatre at WPI (Passing, Skin of our Teeth, Arsenic and Old Lace, Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Prime Time Crime to name a few.) I think I did very well on my lines of Shakespeare and got through the entire thing with only about two line calls the entire time. I did the suicide soliloquy of Hamlet ("To be or not to be..."). It was great to do as it was a nod to my Kindergarden teacher Mrs. Chinzi who always called out when my bus had arrived at the school with "2B or not 2B" since the bus designation was 2B. Secondly it was a nod to my love of Star Trek because of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and if you can't get the connection from simply the title, what are you doing in theatre?

Tonight was both simply ok and trancendant. We had two shows and the 5pm Matinee was an ok audience. They applauded wonderfully at the end and watched intently throughout the show but gave nothing back at all. They were completely cold and minimally responsive. It was hard to push forth a good performance with that but I think I gave a performance I could be proud of.

The Saturday evening (8:30) show was absolutely incredible. I added nuance and energy to the character that I didn't know I had. I was less acting and more channeling. It was incredible minus the one mis-step of mine in forgetting to put my gun in my coat for my second to last scene. I got very tripped up and lost my footing a bit (thankfully most of the audience didn't realize what was going on) and had to figure out how I was supposed to kill "Janice" without having my prop gun. I ended up taking the laptop from her and hitting her over the head with it. A good save, I think. Overall I started the day tired and ended it totally full of energy.

This is why I love theatre, but now time to sleep, time to rest.

Thank you Susan. Thank you Cat. Thank you to everyone in the cast and crew.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Alpha Psi Omega

Well, as of yesterday I got pinned to be an inductee of Alpha Psi Omega. For those of you who don't know this is the Drama/Theatre Honor Society. At WPI they go by the initials AYO so as not to be confused with APO (Alpha Phi Omega) the service fraternity.

This is an incredible honor to be selected into this group, and I am truly thankful to those who nominated me and to those that voted me in.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Prime Time Crime: Teal Version

Feel free to come see me in "Prime Time Crime: Teal Version" as "Detective".

Shows are:
Friday, November 18, 8pm
Saturday, November 19, 5pm
Saturday, November 19, 8pm
Doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain.

The shows will take place in the new WPI Little Theatre which is located in the rear of Riley Hall.
Directions here: Link

"Prime Time Crime" will be one of two shows that evening. The other will be "In Bad Taste". Each show runs approximately 1 hour for a total show run of 2 hours 15 minutes including intermission.

Come and enjoy!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

Wow, its been a busy month. We completed an incredible run for Mrs. Warren's Profession. It was phenomenal. To all of the cast, I loved working with you and I had a great time. Cate, you were an incredible director!

I have also been cast as "Detective" in the B term show "Prime Time Crime: Teal Version", which is one of the two 1 Act shows that are part of the inaugural production of the new WPI Little Theatre.

In addition to being in the cast I'm also involved with the Opening Night Gala production committee. It's fun because I've been able to work with and get to know Jessica Sands throughout all of this.

Finally I was informed this evening that I have been nominated for membership in the WPI Theatre honor society Alpha Psi Omega. To those who thought enough of me to nominate me, thank you very much. It means a lot to me to even be considered for this offer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"... it's going to be a fun time..."

''We have a high level of confidence, and it's going to be a fun time," said Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, a group leading the initiative effort. ''It will energize our base. . . . Our strategy is to let the people vote." [Link]

The above quote is in response to the signature drive effort needed to put a question on the ballot to define marriage as one man and one woman and make same-sex marriages illegal again.

I'm glad to know that the wonderful people at the MFI think its going to be fun to take away my ability to eventually marry the man I fall in love with and wish to make a family with. I'm glad to know that its fun to push the rhetoric to such a fever pitch that it demonizes gays and lesbians. I hope they still think its fun when their hate spurs someone to take a stronger, more extreme approach to the issue and maybe just do a little bit of physical intimidation of gays or worse.

If this is their brand of fun I'm very glad I have no part of it. That a religion that preaches tolerance and love of your neighbor could be so cold and hurtful is astonishing. What little respect I had for the Christian faith is rapidly diminishing.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dance, dance, dance

The number one issue I have going out to clubs is that by 1am I'm dragging and am starting to watch the clock to leave. Well, I've found the solution to that problem; Red Bull and vodka. Why oh why didn't I discover this sooner? This now will become my official drink of clubbing, and on nights that I don't feel like drinking I'll simply have Red Bull straight up.

Well last night was a TON of fun. I went out with Max to Rage and had a great time. It was awesome hanging out with him and it sure is a lot of fun to dance with him. :) It sucks that Max and I have such busy schedules cuz I love spending time with him and I miss him a lot in between times. At any rate I'll be bringing him to the cast party so that should be a good time. I hope someone is bringing the limes and the tequilla! ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hey old friend...

Wow, its like all my old friends are just coming out of the wordwork now. Its great.

Last saturday I had dinner with Colin, his girlfriend Kristin, and Kristin's roommate Meg. It was a great time and it was great to hang out with everyone. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed spending time with Colin, and I didn't realize how much I missed him. Amazing how much you take for granted someone when you live with them and see them on a regular basis. Hopefully I can rectify that during his last year at WPI.

Tuesday I finally got back in touch with Andrew after not seeing him or chatting with him since we were supposed to get together back in late August. It was nice to hang out with him and we ended up going to Cafe Dolce (my favorite cafe). When we got there who should I run into but John Schnelle, whom I've also been trying to get in touch with for weeks and I haven't seen him in months.

Its weired that within a week I've reconnected with three different friends (2 in one night!) that I haven't seen in a while. Who knows if this a trend or not but I hope so, I always love seeing old friends.

Well the world gets a repreive

So yesterday the Massachusetts legislature voted 157-39 to vote down the Gay Marriage Amendment that sought to repeal gay marriage while creating Civil Unions in its place. Of course the fights not over, especially not with the 2008 Marriage Protection Amendement certified to get signatures at this point, but you have to enjoy the victories you do get along the way, otherwise you'll just go insane.

Its amusing that the MFI (Massachusetts Family Institute) a highly conservitive, anti-gay, faith-based, "family values" group also hailed this vote as a victory for their side. They said that we only got the votes to defeat it because conservative legislators who didn't want to create any same-sex state-recognized covenant voted against it.

I find it laughable that they really can delude themselves that they were the ones who gave us this victory. When co-sponsers and co-authors of the bill have come out against this year then you know its not just simple maneuvering. Many legislators who voted for the amendment last year have come out against it this year stating that they realized now that allowing same-sex marriages has done nothing to take anything away from opposite-sex marriages and that the world hasn't ended. Also legislators don't feel comfortable taking away a right that now exists and is being actively used by the populace. They say before it was theoretical and it was easier to think about banning it, but now its real and it isn't hurting anyone.

At this point, I'm still tired from fighting the fight, but I also will say this to anyone who wants to try to take away my right to marry, "Bring it on." The gays of this state are here and we aren't going anywhere. We are renewed after this victory and are ready to do what it takes to keep on winning the next victory.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fuck the world

I'm so very very tired. I'm tired of the hate. I'm tired of the prejudice. I'm tired of being told I'm less of a person and I'm tired of dealing with this over and over and over again.

Today the newest anti-gay marriage initiative was certified. What this means is that the religious right will begin their campaign to fully remove all rights to gay marriage with absolutely no recognition for same-sex couples.

While this means that the current constitutional amendment that was passed last year to codify marriage as between one man and one woman with civil unions for same sex couples, will likely be defeated. That is to a degree good news, but not by much.

This also means that once this new amendment gets 65,825 signatures it will go before the legislature requiring only a 25% vote in two consecutive constitutional conventions. While we may have enough votes to stop a legistlative amendment (which requires simple majority - 50% +1 vote) there's not a lot of hope we can kill it outright at 25%.

I don't understand why people have so much hate in them. Why can't they leave us alone. Do they honestly think I chose this life? To have to fight constantly for repsect and recognition? How dare they say that this "lifestyle" is a choice.



I didn't want to be gay. I stayed in the closet for years hoping it was a phase, hoping the truth that I knew deep down was wrong. It didn't stop me from being gay. Nothing stopped me; not trying to date women, not being a part of a fraternity, NOTHING! Being gay is simply a part of who I am and at this point I wouldn' t change it for anything because it is who I am. But there are times that I get tired of fighting and convincing and campaigning to be treated like a fucking human being. Tomorrow or the next day I will get back up and resume the fight but for tonight I'm tired, simply tired.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Grapes of wrath

I don't know what it is but there's nothing quite like a nice glass of wine to calm the spirits and relax the mind. A nice glass of red wine is quite simply the best thing in my opinion to help soften the edges of a hard day. Its even better to share with a friend over good conversation.

My friend Dani is talking a lot lately of how she wants a boyfriend and its really started me thinking that I'm kinda lonely. I have plenty of friends, don't get me wrong, but I miss the things you have when you are with someone. My last boyfriend was Tim over a year ago. He was a sweetie but something just wasn't there and it just wasn't fair to keep things going and potentially hurt him even more later. That's the hardest part of when I date is that if I am fairly certain it won't last I end it. Its also why I feel I've been able to be friends with all my exes.

Now before anyone gets all holier than thou and ever so politely reminds me that I'm super picky and haven't exactly put myself out on the market for anyone, yes I know you are right. I have plenty of excuses; I'm too busy, I can't afford a relationshiop right now, etc. I know most of them are bullshit and its just a defense mechanism to not get hurt.

I've had friends tell me the point is not to find "Mr. Right" but to find "Mr. Right Now". While I can appreciate that viewpoint, and I can understand those that say I need to "live" by playing the field, I really don't think I do. What I want is find someone who is smart, intelligent, good looking, sweet, tender, has a sense of adventure, cultured, sophisticated and someone I can fall in love with. Sex really isn't my end-all-be-all. I know I'm not going to find him if I don't take chances, if I don't put myself out there. As Dani says, "No balls, no game". I'm getting there, really I am. Its a slow process but I'm tyring to work it out. I promise not to whine and bitch about it too much, if you promise not to harrass me about not having the guts to get out there.

I want to fall in love, I want to be swept off my feet, I want to be overcome with emotion. This is hard when most gay men want sex, sex and more sex. Its also hard because you have to find a gay man among all the straight ones. Its hard because most of the online ad people are not attracticve, pricks, older men that I don't want to go near, people who simply want sex or just empty individuals. Call me old fashioned but I don't want to just fuck.

I need to stop making the wrong choices. I finally stopped falling for friends, I've mostly stopped seriously crushing on the straight ones and I need to stop falling for ones that have key criteria that make it not worthwhile to even try to get involved with them.

Well I think I've been sappy enough for one evening.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I hate spam

Yeah, so immediately after my most recent post I got 3 different spam comments. Its bad enough that i have to have them in my e-mail, I certainly don't want it in my blog. I certainly will make a VERY large point to NEVER buy ANYTHING from ANY place that advertises in such a way.

So, because of that, I have turned on "word verification" on commenting to the blog (not that it'll affect that many people since people rarely comment, if anyone even reads all of this). What this means to you is that you will now have to identify a "captcha" which is essentially a graphic that has text that has been altered in some way to make it difficult for character recognition systems to read it but is still understandable by humans. The point is that this will prevent automated comment spam since all of that is usually automated. We shall see if this fixes my issues.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

To the stage once more!

Well folks I return to the stage once more, this time playing the only villian Shaw ever wrote; Crofts. I will be playing Sir Crofts in the M. W. Rep. production of Mrs. Warren's profession. More information to be posted later. Wooohooo I'm psyched!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Keep on runnin'

Well I hit 3 miles today, and I feel great! My goal for this week is 2.5 miles but if I can hit 3 miles each day I'll be very happy.

I'm a bit frustrated that for two weeks in a row I've still not lost any more weight, but I think its likely that I'm gaining muscle mass (which is denser than fat) at the same rate as losing fat. Hopefully that means in another week or so I'll start losing weight again. I can't really complain too much cuz I can see the love handles beginning to disappear and I'm getting more of a nice "V" shape.

Well I'm doing well since I'm beginning week 3. Here goes trying to keep going indefinitely.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The winds have changed...

I don't know what has changed but it feels like the storm has finally broken. For a good portion of the summer, especially since the beginning of August life has been getting more and more stressful. It seems like its been building and building and its just more than I can deal with and then suddenly within the last few days its simply gone.

Don't get me wrong, I still have a million things on my agenda and nothing is really done but the stress and the rushed feeling I had is gone. I feel more confident that things will work out right and that everything will settle into pleace.

Its also nice to have the students back. I had forgotten how empty Worcester is in the summer until I was driving down Highland Street last night and saw all the Freshman walking around and enjoying the evening. Worcester really feels alive again.

It was nice to see Nick last night. I don't get to see him as often as I'd like and I'll miss him when he goes to Seattle. Hopefully we'll stay in touch.

Finally, my new favorite song is Anna Nalick - "Breathe (2AM)"

Friday, August 12, 2005

Getting Fit, Staying Fit

Well its been two weeks and I've made it to the gym 8 times in the last two weeks. 8 out of 10 is not bad and I hit all of the important 6 days that I was aiming for. My new plan is to go running at Bally's 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesay and Friday. I intend to go swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but sometimes I just need a mid-week day of rest to sleep in a bit. The swimming days are simply to do some excercise that isn't impact. If I run daily I get shin-splints way too easily. I started on August 1 at about 1.25 miles. On 8/3 I got to 1.5 miles, and on 8/5 I got to 2 miles and have maintained 2 miles all this week too.

I've lost two pounds and half an inch off my waist, and I feel better and more energized than I have in a long time. I'm hoping I've lost more weight and waist size but I promised myself I wouldn't weigh/measure myself except on Mondays. All the measurements can all fluctuate from day to day so there's no point in stressing myself out by doing daily measurements.

I'm not looking for any quick weight loss or body change. I'd rather this be a nice slow process that I can sustain and keep the weight off. I'll keep everyone updated on how its all going, but I think its a good sign that for two weeks I've been able to get up at 5:30 - 6:00 AM on a daily basis for two weeks.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Vegi update

Yup so Dani is once again a member of the carnivore family. She was making some headway after a few false starts but given her already decreased palette of foods to choose from taking meat of the menu wasn't working. As of last Wednesday the experiment was ended with a jumbo hot dog. Yum. Just as well, she's really not the vegitarian type (no offense to any vegitarian's out there). Welcome back Dani!

That's all folks....

"Are you coming or going... or coming and going... or coming and staying?" - Brian Kinney

Well its the end of an era. Queer as folk has played its final episode. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I have so many memories attached to this show. Its the only thing I've consistantly done week after week for the last 5 years.

It started out when we got Showtime specifically to watch QAF in WA3. Then the next year Kyle got his condo and we started watching it there. I met Chad through Kyle and ended up dating him for a while. Every year we'd all go back to Kyle's on a weekly basis to watch it.

Well the gayest show on television is over. No apologies. No regrets. Overall I wasn't fully happy with the ending but are you ever happy with an ending? The boys grew up and moved on with their lives. We will too.

Friday, July 29, 2005

The last days of summer

Well I went to the Worcester Tornadoes game with Dani, my director, and other members of the cast and crew of Passing as well as my friend Andrew. It was a fun time even though the Tornadoes didn't win. Its always amusing to hang out with Andrew because he always has an opinion on everything and isn't afraid to say it.

Apparently he's convinced Dani to try going vegitarian. We'll see how long that lasts. :-P She's hoping for a month, I'm expecting no more than a week. *grin*.

Work is getting up to a fever pitch and it doesn't seem that I have enough time in a day. At the same time it constantly feels like I'm spinning my wheels trying to quickly get things done while also having to wait for the necessary pieces of the puzzle in order to complete it. I can't wait for A term so I can relax a bit.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Epilogue: NYC

Well we didn't make it to the finals, but the performance was incredible. I can now say I performed in New York City in an off-off Broadway production.

This is definitely an experience I will treasure all my life. The feeling of being on a NYC stage has to be the most exhilarating thing I have ever experienced.

We've had a good run I but now its time to move onto other Things. As Susan always says, "The best thing about theatre is the worst thing about theatre, you're always moving onto the next thing."

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Spyware sucks

Ok, so I'm currently playing big brother hero to my sister. I get a call yesterday from her asking me to fix her PC. She says its totally busted and she can't do anything. At this point I've learned not to think she's exagerating.

Turns out her system is so full of spyware that you really can't open a folder let alone Internet Explorer. I really hate spyware.

UPDATE: 2 hours later I'm finally done with the system and have uninstalled all the spyware and the system is better than ever. Time for bed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


No this has nothing to do with the play. I don't know why but I've been connected to a lot of deaths lately. I've had 4 wakes/funerals since April and I have another one that should be scheduled sometime in the near future. I've had 5 deaths in 4 months, one of which was personally connected through family. They say bad news comes in threes so I'm wondering if there will be a number 6. I sure hope not.

And, yes, I'm fine, just so everyone knows. Its just a little depressing to think of all the lives cut short, as many of them were. I tell people how many wakes and funerals I've been to and the response is usually that I'm too young to see this much death in such a short period of time. How do people live to their twilight years and watch all the people they know die? How do they cope?

It really makes you wonder how much you can take before you can't take any more. I really wonder, if you were offered immortality, would you take it? Could you? Could you really live forever and watch all the people you knew and loved die? How many times could you live through it before you wouldn't want to start again. What would keep you going?

I always have thought that if I could only live forever I could take every path and try everything. I could do photography to its fullest, and theater, and singing, and psychology, and politics, and anything else I'd like to do; change my vocation every 15-25 years and live life to its fullest. Lately I wonder if I would be able to live with some of the drawbacks to living forever? Who wants to live forever....

Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh what a circus, oh what a show....

Well its been a while since I last updated. It has certainly been a whirlwind of a summer. To recap, Passing got selected for Samuel French and I will be performing in NYC this Friday.

While incredible, this show has been very draining. First thing was after I was in rehearsals for NYC we had the show switched around and I was changed to Newton. Now I could have enjoyed the role if it wasn't for the fact that I had been originally picked for Pat. Try as I might I could not be happy with it. Don't get me wrong, Newton is a fun role, and it plays a LOT into the show and is certainly not a throw-away part, and there's no doubt that I had set out to be the best Newton I could be, but a part of me just wasn't in it.

Just as I was finally settling into the role came the great cast change. The playwrite had decided that the cast wasn't cutting it and needed to be changed. After a very long rehearsal where we were all drilled to find out how well we knew the play, we were all changed around. I was back to Pat from Newton. Figg was cut. Lee stayed the same but it was still the same as after the first change. Pat was cut. Figg and Newton were replaced by the understudies. Pow. Zoom. Bang. For the next week I had to constantly have people ask me how much I enjoyed having my original role back, or why didn't I seem happier now that I was playing Pat again. As much as I wanted the role back I didn't want it like that. It wasn't fair or right, but then again when is life ever fair. I suppose I should have been happy that for the first time in my life I gained from the situation instead of being the one to get screwed, as is usually the case.

As much as I loved Cate as my stage partner playing Lee and then playing opposite me as Figg, I knew that she had too much going on with the IQP, the show was stressing her to the max and her lines just weren't coming enough. She probably could have worked out as Lee but as Figg she just didn't have the time, and even as Lee what would she have given up in her work for the IQP? There's only so much energy you can put towards things and in the end if you do too much something or everything can suffer if you don't realize your limits.

I also didn't like getting Pat back by having Matt get cut. Matt was really starting to get into the role as Pat, and as hard as it was to sit there and see him miss lines that I knew cold, I knew that he was getting there and that he'd make Pat his own character.

Maybe I'm just too sensitive about these things but I had a bit of survivor's guilt when the shake-up ended.

From there we continued. We learned the dynamics of the new cast and slowly got the show going again. For me the fun was mostly gone. At this point it was a job and the final project was NYC. I had comitted to it and I was going to do it. Not exactly the mindset you'd think for going to NYC to perform for the first time ever. Lots of people would kill for this opportunity, and I barely cared.

That all changed tonight. We had our preview performance and the energy was there. The performance was incredible. I was so excited at the end of it and so was the rest of the cast. Its finally hitting me that I'm really, really, really going to NYC. This is gonna be great!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life's a changin'

Well it's funny how things move along. I'm days away from moving out of my apartment and in with Elliot. This will be the first time in eight years I have lived somewhere other than 01609. I lived 18 years at 02351 and now another 8 at 01609. Its funny how you grow attached to things. I know I'll be moving back to Worcester early 2006 to move into my condo but it will be 01603. Still the same but still different. I'll also be owning my own place. Every once and a while it hits me that I'll be a homeowner, that I'm that much more of an adult.

I'm also starting classes again. I'm going after my MBA from WPI. Can't beat the price when its free. I'm not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life for the long term plan but I might as well get another degree while I'm thinking.

Meeting new friends is a great thing. I've recently become friends with my director from Passing, Dani. She is an incredible person that I've connected with very fast. It's funny how that happens sometimes. I went with her as her date to a wedding this past weekend and the funniest thing was getting woken up sometime in the middle of the night to hear banging on the door of our motel room. As it turns out there was a woman who was banging on all the doors of our side of the buidling because she was trying to find her husband who was there cheating on her. Dani and I woke up and just sort of looked at each other with this "Oh my god what is going on" look on our faces. It was a fun time. :)

I'm looking forward to being on vacation for the next two weeks. I have to catch up on my classwork since I only got the books about a week and a half into the course. I also have to learn all the lines I need to learn for NYC. Hopefully I'll have a little time to relax as well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

It's up to you... New York... NEW YORK!!!!

So its official....

I'm going to be acting in the New Voices in New York Production of "Passing" by Cat Darensbourg, which is performing at the XXX Annual Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Original Short Play Festival.

The date is Friday, July 22, 2005 at 7:30 pm. More details to follow.

I am so incredibly excited. I'm so happy for Cat! We are going to be incredible. New York City, here we come!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Moving along

Well spring is in full gear and classes are over. The summer is coming closer and closer. This will be a bit of a roller coaster of a year coming up. I move in with Elliot in less than a month and should hopefully be in my condo by February.

The plan is also to start taking classes this summer - gotta get on that - hopefully not too late. Damn procrastination!!!!!

On another note, I watched "A Touch of Pink" tonight w/ Tim. Sweet movie. It was fun hanging out with Tim. We've both been busy so we haven't had a chance to really hang out in a while.

I also got in touch with an old friend from HS, Matt. It was a lot of fun chatting w/ him. Its funny how you can not talk to people for ages and then all of a sudden its like old times.

Finally, I'm starting to go crazy about New York City. I WANT TO KNOW!!! I want this show to go to NYC so badly, both for Cat and for the sheer exhileration of being able to perform in NYC. Cross your fingers folks!!

Ok, g'night.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Drinks and Dancing in the City

Well I had a great time visiting Patrick in Boston last night. It was great, we had dinner at Flux, a nice restaurant in the South End, then went to Club Cafe for drinks. I have to say I'm not altogether pleased with "209" the new name for the restaurant portion of Club Cafe. I can understand they wanted to differentiate between the club and the restaurant but the new menu sucks. If I want to have southwestern style food, I'll find a restaurant that specializes in that. Give me back the classic american fare and just make sure the waiters are gay and hot. :)

As always seems to be the case, its feast or famine in my life. Last night was also the birthday gathering for Joe in Netops. Turns out they went to Margharitta Grill and ended up with the same table we were at after NSO. In addition I got a phone call to torture me about the fact they also had the same waiter from this past August too. This being torture of course since he was hot and I was drooling over him the last time I was there. NOT FAIR!!! hehe

Adding to this, Max had given me a call to hang out and go out dancing last night and I had to turn that too. I haven't been dancing with Max in far too long! We always have so much fun. Well summer's coming. We'll have plenty of time to dance the nights away.

I think this is going to be a very good summer.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Spring has sprung!

Well spring is in the air and the weather has been beautiful. Of course this being New England, don't bother getting used to it, because it will change. For the next week the temps will be low to mid 50s with various levels of rain. The rain is needed to water everything so it can all start growing so I can deal with that. The sooner there are leaves on the trees and the grass gets greener, the sooner I'll be even happier.

Of course also with spring is spring cleaning. I went on a cleaning rampage and hit the kitchen, all the dishes, the bar, the living room and my bedroom. The house looks great now.

In other news I have been approved for my mortgage so I'm that much closer to getting my condo. It looks like at the moment the closing will be in January or February by the latest. I stopped by the condo building yesterday and it looks good. The windows are being put in and it looks they have a lot of the framing up. I'm told that the model unit should be done within the next few weeks so I'll have to go visit it so I can see what it'll all really look like.

That's all for now. Enjoy the nice weather!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

So New Voices 23 has drawn to a close. SUCH an incredable experience. I want to thank Josie for taking me on as her Assistant director/stage manager and letting me really have an involved role in making things happen. I want to thank Dani for seeing in me talant worth having in her show. I want to also thank Susan for convincing me that I should do both Death of a Salesman AND Merrily We Roll Along at the same time so I could be her waiter, Stanley.

What an incredible year for theater. I've found that I really enjoy this and want to do LOTS more! Everyone in Masque has been incredible and welcomed me with open arms. While I will enjoy the respite from the stress of being involved in a production I can't wait until we start anew.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Ok, so tonight was NOT one of my finer moments.

1) It is not a good idea as stage manager to forget to preset the props. Thankfully our cast for Transaction Completed is absolutely brilliant and amazing and worked wonders with everything without it.

In what little defense I feel comfortable giving, the damn backstage speakers weren't working so I was trying to frantically follow the script for the preceding show and make sure our actors got out on stage correctly. Summary: Brilliant Actors, Bad Stage Manager.

2) Knowing your lines helps. Yeah..... in Passing I jumped us about 1.5 pages and even got to insert lines that weren't there. Thankfully, from what I'm told, it wasn't obvious to most of the audience. Of course, I know what happened and that's enough, being the perfectionist I am.

Well I have my chance to redeem myself tomorrow for #1 and Saturday for #2. I'm going to bed now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Feeling better.

So I'm feeling a lot better now about the show. We just had techs and while we skipped forward three pages than back two pages I feel that we can at least get it done on stage without any worries. It may not be perfect but it will be a damn good show.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Ok, getting a little nervous now

Yeah.... so I'm starting to get a bit nervous. New Voices starts in 2 days and my show is in 3 days. I have the largest role I've ever had thus far in my acting experience. I have a lead in a 20 page play and I have lines on all but 1 of the pages. I just hope I don't dissappoint anyone. This play is one of two submitted by Cat for the Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Original Short Play Festival, so there's a possiblity this could go to New York. I'm sure I'll be fine by the time I get to stage and go on but for now I'm nervous. Ah well.

Cosmic Breath.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Where am I?

Well its been a while since my last post. My life has been consumed by all things New Voices. As I had hoped I got a good role! I play the role of Pat in Passing. I am also Stage Manager/Asst. Director of Transactions Completed, Reporter #4 in Bunker and Assistant Director of Communications for the festival.

I recently threw myself a birthday party that was fun for the most part - minus the drama that basically killed the party at about 12:30. I guess that's what I get for having a party on the full moon during Mercury Retrograde. It was great to see people again. It was fun hanging out and relaxing for the first time in a while. With Merrily I really stopped doing anything social. The stress of it just ate up my life and left me with no free time. While I don't regret it, because it was a good experience and I met a lot of new friends, it was a very draining experience. New Voices is similar but not as bad. I've barely slept all week - bed at 4 am Sunday, 2 am Monday, 2 am Tuesday, 4 am Wednesday, 2 am Friday and I'm still up now at 2:45. Oh, and I've been up by 8:30 am every day this week. At least tonight I can sleep in a bit before my 12:30 rehearsal.

I've also decided I need to do SOMETHING about this single thing. Its been over a year since I broke up with Tim and I've found no one. Of course it doesn't help things when you aren't really looking. The thing that's really pushing this is that my sex drive finally kicked in to some noticeable level. Spring fever has hit me particularly hard this year.

Well time for bed. I doubt I'll be getting much sleep this week seeing as its production week. If you want to come to the shows check out the website at

Friday, March 11, 2005


Ok, I've officially hit the point of the year where I'm sick of the winter. Give me warm days, give me green trees, give me blooming flowers, give me hot sandy beaches, plain and simple give me SPRING AND SUMMER! For all the talk of global warming it was damn cold all season and very snowy.

The worst part of this winter is it wasn't even consistant. It was a true New England Winter. We had days in February that almost hit 60, and now in March we have wind chills of -22.

In other news I'm finally getting fed up with my TiVo. Seems that the hard drive is failing. I had hoped that it was just an issue with too much going on with suggestions and 50+ season passes but nope, seems to be the hard drive skipping. What happens is that when the TiVo tapes a show it has points where it'll almost freeze up and cause video and sound distortion. Not cool. I've bought a new hard drive to replace the two that are in there now. Hopefully that'll take care of it and I'll be in a good position to add a second hard drive later this summer.

Auditions for New Voices 23 are next week. I hopefully will get a nice little part that I can sink my teeth into. I've really taken to this whole theater thing. I love it! In addition to acting I will be Stage Managing for Josie. That should be a fun new experience.

On top of that I will begin taking classes for my MBA starting this summer. I have to start studying for my GMATs so I can take them in the fall. I can take two classes before I have to have my GMAT scores to officially get into the MBA program at WPI. The best part is that it is free. :) I'll have more information about that once I sit down and map out my long term plan with whoever my advisor will be.

I move once more before the major move to my condo. I'll be moving in with Elliot in June. That'll be fun. I don't spend enough time with Elliot. He's a good friend of mine and I think us living together will be good. Heck we pretty much lived together when he lived in the studio apartment two floors up from me back at Bowdoin Street. I hope he realizes that this means my annual night before the fourth party will be held at his house this year. :)

Sunday, February 27, 2005

"Living Well Is the Best Revenge"

Well, Merrily We Roll Along is over. Four months of drama, craziness, headaches, frustration ended with adrenaline, exhilaration and a great applause last night. For losing a large percentage of the cast at different points in the process, losing a prodcuer, losing publicity staff and almost cutting the show entirely we did quite well. Could we have used another week or two of runthroughs? Probably. Does it really matter? Absolutely not. We put on a great show that any company can be proud of.

I worked with many very dedicated individuals and created something we can all be proud of. As Michael said, this show is proof of the fact that positive thinking is the only way to get something done. Think something can't be done and it won't be; think it will be done and you have a shot.

I hope to stay in touch with my new friends from Holy Cross for a good long while.

Here's to us. Who's like us? Damn Few!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Merrily We Roll Along

Well as you can tell I've been fairly silent lately. That is because the musical I'm in is taking up every second of free time I have.

For those that don't know I'm in a musical called Merrily We Roll Along. This week is production week aka hell week. We open on Thursday. If you want to come see it here's the information:

What: "Merrily We Roll Along"
Where: Hogan Ballroom, Hogan Center, Holy Cross Campus
When: 8:00pm Friday
Driving Directions:
Cost: $12 at the door

I'll write more once the show is over. Cheers.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Water, water, everywhere

Yet ANOTHER run in with broken pipes and flooding. At least this time it wasn't my apartment. This time it was my office.

Joy of joys the pipes burst above Perreault Hall in Fuller Labs. It set of the fire alarms which made us all run out into the cold. That was fun, let me tell you. The water ended up seeping into my office and basically being a general nuisance more than anything else. The people in the basement level got hit far worse. It hit a few computers I think but overall they too got out unscathed, they just had to move everything out of the wet areas.

As for the homefront, the basement has been repainted and new ceiling tiles have been put in. In my bedroom the contractor has put antibacterial paint on the stains and patched the holes. He'll be coming back to sand everything down and to repaint. The rug should be here by the end of the week (I hope) and the new appliances (stove and refrigerator) will be here on Wednesday, February 2nd. Of course the stove will be problematic since the landlord has to get an electrician to put in a new circuit for it, as well as a plumber to cap the old gas line. By Feb. 3rd the place should be like brand new, just in time to leave in June.

The only positive thing right now is that Wachusett mountain should be spectacular. With the new snow we got they should have a great foundation for all the trails. Hopefully I can break away this weekend to go. That's all for now.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Phantom of the Movie Theater

So they finally went and did it. I've been waiting for this since 1994 when I first heard the idea of creating a movie version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera.

**Spoiler Alert**
If you don't know the story of Phantom you may not want to read very far as I may mention things that are key to later parts of the story.

I got very excited when I saw some of the promotional stuff on the website. I absolutely loved the set design and the costumes, and I knew I already loved the music. I really was happy when I started listing to clips of the actors singing. M. Anrde and M. Firman were very good, Raoul was perfect and Christine was a very suitable follow-on to Sarah Brightman. She had the look and the voice for the most part. The only complaint I had was that she couldn't quite reach the same stratosphere on "The Phantom of the Opera" where he's commanding her to 'Sing for me' and she's going higher and higher and higher. What they did was to transpose the entire song down about a step. Honestly, if you weren't looking for it, you'd likely not even notice.

I was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of the movie, until.... I heard the Phantom himself. With respect to Sir Webber, I think he should have his head examined for choosing Gerard Butler. His lack of any classical voice training is immediately obvious. His voice is akin to a metal/grunge yelling/singing voice rather than the silken chords of Micheal Crawford. From what I've read Sir Webber wanted a rougher, darker and angrier Phantom, but I think it would have behooved him to find one that could SING! There are pleasant moments where I think they must have worked the song take after take after take to get something that is actually not too grating. Music of the Night was fairly passable, but Point of No Return was cringe-worthy.

If you can get past the Phantom I'd say the rest of the movie is worth seeing. Most of the changes I liken to what happens when a show is revived on Broadway. Things are changed, re-written, cut, added etc. Sometimes this is good, sometimes this is bad, but for the most part in the movie version I think many of the changes were positive.

Yes, I know, they moved the Chandelier. I was a bit bother by this but you have to realize that not all aspects of a 2 act stage production translate to the screen smoothly. One of this is the device of having the chandelier fall just prior to the close of Act 1. Movie audiences are used to the climax being toward the end. You can debate whether this was necessary but overall I don't think it really hurts the story too much.

Overall I'd give this movie an 8 out of 10 were it not for the Phantom. Because of that I have to drop it to a 7 out of 10.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Dirty Tricks

Well the Republican Party of Massachusetts has really gone low this time around. They have gone and registered four domain names that potential gubernatorial candidate Tom Reilly may have wanted to use in his campaign.

The names include,, and

This is simply nothing more than the beginning of what will likely be a VERY negative governor's race next year. If they wanted to register that would be one thing. I have no problem with them taking out web space to list their problems with the Democratic candidate, but to take the four most likely domain names that would be use in the pro-reilly campain just smacks of poor-sportsmanship.

Trip to Okemo

So we settle everything up for the trip to Okemo on Saturday night. We print out directions and the skiing coupons and I'm off to bed at 12:40 AM. Not to bad right? Well not bad if you aren't getting up at 4:00 AM.

Getting up at 4:00 is not as bad as I had feared. I got up, dressed and prepped everything to leave at 5:00. Cate had mentioned that we would meet and leave at 6:00 but I inisted on 5:00 AM. As it turns out we left at precisely 6:00 after meeting at 5:30 and readying everything. Cate was slightly miffed and slightly amused, and Smriti and Tom were very amused when I declared that we were leaving exactly when I figured we would leave. :)

We got to the mountain at about 9:00 and had a great day of skiing. I got in several great runs including a few trips down a meandering green circle (beginner) trail called Mountain Road. This trail is absolutely beautiful. There were trees on both sides of it and you could see the valley through parts of it. This trail is basically a service road in the off-season which is why its not steep at all. The best part was that if you waited a bit for the skiiers to pass by, the trail was absolutely silent. No wind, no rustling, nothing. Simple, beautiful, silence.

At 4:00 pm we packed up and went home. Today I am aching a bit from all the workout. My legs are reminding me that I don't do this as often as I used to. All in all a good time.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Vacation running out....

Well this week has been fun. I've had a chance to hang out with Donald a bunch so that's been good. Chili's, movies, sushi and nachos to name a few of the things we've done. Tomorrow we go see Phantom of the Opera the movie version.

Last night was also fun because Travis came up from RPI too. Travis and I have only hung out about 3 times but its always a good time. He's definitely someone I wish I knew better. I'm pretty sure he'd end up a really good friend.

Also exciting today was that I got my Amazon order in. I bought 6 new Diana Krall CDs, a Gavin DeGraw CD, and a Maroon 5 CD. Here's the full list.

Gavin DeGraw - Chariot (Bonus Disk: Chariot Stripped)
Maroon 5 - 1.22.03.Acoustic
Diana Krall:
- The Look of Love
- All for You: A dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio
- Stepping Out
- Love Scenes
- When I look in your eyes
- Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Also tonight will be fun because its the season premier of Alias!!!! WOOOHOOO.

And also Happy Birthday to Tim!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everyone! The party went off very successfully even with the burst pipe disaster. I reorganized my bedroom into a living room/party area. It worked very well and everyone had a good time. The party was a bit slow to start but at about 11pm things really took off.

May you all have a prosperous new year!