Sunday, July 29, 2007


It's funny those little things that stick with you from childhood, like counting after a lightning strike to see how far away the storm is.

As I've mentioned before, one of the really nice things about my unit is the sound of the rain on the roof when it rains. A new thing I've noticed is the ability to watch fork lightning as it strikes over downtown worcester. It reminds me of the many evenings staying at my Dad's apartment on the weekends when he would wake me up after my brother had gone to sleep and we'd sit on his deck and watch the heat lightning in the distance. Everytime I would stay with him I'd hope more than anything that there would be a summer storm. I was often rewarded for my hoping. :)

My mom says I get my enjoyment of the storms from my Papa. My Grammy on the other hand doesn't like storms one bit, neither does my brother to any great degree. This weekend has been a real treat with two days in a row with fairly substantial thunderstorms. I just lay in bed for a large part of yesterday morning, eyes closed, just taking in the thunder and the sound of the rain. It was absolutely great.


Anonymous said...

Yup - Dad did love to sit on the porch and watch the storms go by! I used to sit for with him for a bit, but when they got too loud, i'd retreat the den to be with Ma and to listen to the loud TV to block out the noise of the rumbles! Allen is another one who LOVES I still hide under the covers - while my babies sleep like rocks through the whole thing!!

Anonymous said...

Papa did like a good storm. He taught us to be respectible but not afraid. Mom hated when hr brought us out to the porch but/...
I have ahealthy respest for thunde andlightening. Remember at Martha's vinyard? You were little. Grammy anted us to go to themainland and get a room because " Papa" was nervous. Ya right. I said no, you all slept throught the night and I was awake all night, listening and praying. You all slid to the sides of the tent and ww all got soaked! Fond memories!
