Monday, September 19, 2011

Kickboxing and weight

So I noted in my last post that I'm not kickboxing any more.  While that is true it doesn't entirely explain the situation.  Last November, I switched from the kickboxing class to the Wing Chun martial arts class at the dojo and have beeen taking that for almost a year now.  This past may I successfully tested for my yellow sash and I'm working towards my orange sash. 

I've really enjoyed the classes and the process of learning the various forms and techniques within Wing Chun.  I feel since I've been taking it, I'm strong, more balanced and more confident. 

The only downside is that it is nowhere near as aerobic as kickboxing was (at least not at such a beginner level; we don't do sparring at this point) so a major workout that I had 2-3 times a week is gone and replaced with something I love, but not as much of a workout.

Add to this the fact that in the spring I broke my foot and have been trying to stay off of it enough to let it heal, which takes running out of the equation for the moment.  I'm awaiting results from my doctor to know that it's fully healed.

Really the hardest part with the weight loss is motivation and I just have not had it lately.  Life is good, but I am in a bit of a rut I think when it comes to motiviation.  I'm hoping to work on that over the fall/winter.  We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm a bad blogger...

So yeah... I'm a bad blogger.  I'm also bad at my resolutions this year.

Let's review:
  • [Fail] - I resolve to (schedule permitting) run a 5k this spring with my friend Di.
  • [Fail] - I resolve to get to 185 lbs and maintain it.
  • [Completed] - I resolve to finally upgrade my entertainment center with a 55” HD TV [Hey aren’t all resolutions self-serving to some degree :) ]
  • [Not Done] - I resolve to take the GMAT and apply for my MBA.
  • [Ongoing] - I resolve to take time to visit friends I don’t see often enough.
  • [Fail] - I resolve to post more often to my blog.
So I think the one completed item may have contributed to some of the failures. :)  The TV is gorgeous though.  I'm very happy with the purchase.

The running I've tried to get back into but I've had some foot injuries and I found out that as of a week ago I still have a stress fracture of my left foot (third metatarsal for those curious).  Once I get clearance from the doctor I am going to try to make time to run again.

For the weight, I have officially gained every pound I lost last summer.  It's been a combination of not being able to run, not doing kickboxing anymore (I'll explain that in a bit), and just not making time to work out.  I'm trying to figure out a routine that allows me to use the winter, with it's multiple layers of bulky clothing, to try for a sort of caterpillar-like transformation, so when spring comes and the layers are pealed back, I'll be in good shape.

While I haven't yet taken the GMAT, it's still on the plan.  I've just been a bit overstressed with some changes at the office (I'll explain that in another post) that have ramped up the use of my time and stress at the office.  It's made me much less motivated to do anything but relax once I do get home.  Yes, it's a bit of a cop-out, but I'm gonna go with it. :)

I have made an attempt to visit friends.  The hard part is coordinating both sides of that equation.  I was able to find some time to spend with Max before he moved to San Diego and now I need to find a time to visit him, now that he's found a job and is out there for real now.  I tried to make time to hang out with Ron before he moved to South Korea to teach English for a year.  With everything he had to do to prep, it didn't end up happening.  I was able to spend two weeks in London with Delory and several WPI students.  I was able to make time with Dani after she moved about 20 minutes away, but then she moved to Nashua and I haven't been able to visit yet.  I'll be going up a week from Sunday to see her, Anthony and little Zoe.  I am also working on plans to go to LA to visit Colin and Kristin.  Also I saw Judd for the first time in over a year the other day.  Overall I'd say this item is both ongoing and relatively successful.  It could be better, but the effort is there.

As for the blog, I'm going to try to make this be the start of more posts.

PS - I updated my template for the season.