I'm in a production of "The Princess Bride" at WPI. We are doing an outdoor production at WPI Higgins Gardens. For those familiar with the story I will be playing Count Rugen, The six fingered man.
The performances are June 12, 13, 14 at 7pm.
House opens at 6:30
The show is free.
Here's a synopsys from the for those who don't know the show. Also, please note that the script we are using is an adaptation of both the book and the screenplay so some things may be a bit different for those die-hard fans who can quote every line.
Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather to his ill grandson. The grandfather assures a romance-weary grandson that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup, his true love, away from the evil prince, whom she had agreed to marry five years after learning of what she had believed to be news of Westley's death. With help from Prince Humperdinck's disgruntled former employee Miracle Max, swordsman Inigo Montoya, and a very large man named Fezzik, the star-crossed lovers are reunited.
http://www.wpi.edu/About/Visitors/directions.htmlCampus Map:
http://www.wpi.edu/Images/CMS/WPI/walkingmap.pdfWe are at building 17 on the map and you can park in the lot marked "Staff Lot" that is off of Salisbury Street and the entrance road to Higgins House.