From The Crystal Cave |
So I've already called it into my insurance, had it appraised and now am waiting for the result of the appraisal. Ugh... Merry Christmas indeed.
From The Crystal Cave |
Your results:
You are Deanna Troi
You are a caring and loving individual. You understand people's emotions and you are able to comfort and counsel them.
Deanna Troi | | 75% |
Geordi LaForge | | 70% |
Uhura | | 65% |
Jean-Luc Picard | | 65% |
James T. Kirk (Captain) | | 60% |
Chekov | | 60% |
Spock | | 52% |
Beverly Crusher | | 45% |
Will Riker | | 45% |
Leonard McCoy (Bones) | | 40% |
Data | | 32% |
Mr. Scott | | 30% |
Mr. Sulu | | 30% |
Worf | | 30% |
An Expendable Character (Redshirt) | | 10% |
Is it wrong that I just want this whole election mess to be over?"I am, in my own, state, I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. I wish on a federal level that that's where we would go because I don't support gay marriage. I'm not going to be out there judging individuals, sitting in a seat of judgment telling what they can and can't do, should and should not do, but I certainly can express my own opinion here and take actions that I believe would be best for traditional marriage and that's casting my votes and speaking up for traditional marriage that, that instrument that it's the foundation of our society is that strong family and that's based on that traditional definition of marriage, so I do support that."
Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather to his ill grandson. The grandfather assures a romance-weary grandson that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup, his true love, away from the evil prince, whom she had agreed to marry five years after learning of what she had believed to be news of Westley's death. With help from Prince Humperdinck's disgruntled former employee Miracle Max, swordsman Inigo Montoya, and a very large man named Fezzik, the star-crossed lovers are reunited.
"I respect the Court’s decision and as Governor, I will uphold its ruling,"
the governor said in a statement just released by his office. "Also, as I have
said in the past, I will not support an amendment to the constitution that would
overturn this state Supreme Court ruling."
"I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam."If you'd like to do something about this you can go to the HRC to send a letter to the Governor and top legislators.