It's funny how you browse the web and you read one article that takes you to another article which takes you to another article, which makes you read something which makes you think about this other thing and then so on. That's pretty much how my mind works in general, kind of a free-association montage. Anyone who's had a long conversation with me can attest to the fact that it can start somewhere and go just about anywhere before it's over and neither me or them will realize we've even left the main topic until much later.
It's in that regard that I was looking up an article, which reminded me of a show, which had someone who played in another show which remdinded me of another show and I decided to look up the actors and what they are playing now. In my travels I came upon a quote from Gale Harold who played Brian Kinney on Queer as Folk.
Over the years, as I've talked with people about being gay, once people get past the basic questions they start getting curious about the finer details. One question I get time and again is "What's the difference between kissing a guy and a girl?" Now, there is definitely a difference but it's never really been something I could define. It was more of a "je ne sais quoi" than anything else. Gale's bio had a quote from an interview he had with Flaunt magazine which answered that very same question. I read his answer and it just clicked that what he was saying was describing the "je ne sais quoi" that I couldn't quite place. And with no further ado...
"Kissing a's more animalistic. There's a primal drive with men and you can feel that the second you start kissing. It's much more visceral than kissing a woman. Women take their time. There's more play. It's not a mad dash to get your rocks off. And kissing men who, even after they've shaved, have the roughest skin. I've got the worst fuckin' burns on my face."
Interesting the things you find on the web.