Sunday, April 30, 2006

Random ramblings...

The lovely bouquet of flowers that my New Voices stage manager got me had mostly died so I replaced them. I've really gotten to like having fresh flowers on my kitchen bar counter. It really adds a nice look to the place. I was thinking maybe of getting Tulips but now that we're in late spring and post-easter they seem to be completely out of season. When looking over the various flowers I was looking for ones that wouldn't look like a bunch of ramdom leaves and petals. Roses are nice but they are a bit over done and I'll leave that for when some cute boy gets them for me (so I guess I can count out getting roses anytime soon :-P ). I decided to get Lilies.

I got two different sets, one orange and red and the other white. They look very lovely and fairly simple and elegant. The problem is forgetting how much scents can get tied to memories. I went to settle down for the eavening and I got a big whiff of the lillies and I sort of stopped in my tracks. You see I forgot that anytime I smell lillies now I think of my Nana. They were her favorite flower. More to the point though is that I remember my Nana's wake. There were lillies everywhere. The smell of them was almost over-powering in the funeral home.
To this day I cannot smell them without thinking of Nana, without remembering the wake. I wonder if at any point in my future I'll ever be able to smell them without that connection. Who knows? Its just been so long since the last time I smelled lillies that the mental association really threw me this time around.


So I went to see Wicked last night at the Boston Opera House. It was incredible. Completely fantastic. The singers were wonderful and the set was breathtaking.

The scary thing is that I know I'm totally becoming a theatre geek now. The first thing I thought as I sat in the theatre (after, damn they did a great job restoring this place) was "damn that's a nice pre-set", and "ooh, I really like the gobos they are using and the color choices." Oh what have I become!! hehe Even throughout thet performance at certain points I kept thinking, "oh I like how they used the spots there" and "oh that's a creative way to deal with those set pieces". I guess part of the downside of getting involved in all aspects of theatre (directing, acting, set crew, lighting, set build) is that now its like going to see a magic show when you know how the tricks are done. Of course its still the point that if its done well enough you won't care and you will still be awed by it and forget all the technical stuff. Total suspension of disbelief. And that was Wicked for me. Completely incredible.

Before we went, we had a great time at Fire and Ice. I went with my aunts Maureen and Christine and my Mom. It was a great time and I got to enjoy to very well poured Stoli Ras Martinis (thanks mom). It was definitely a nice break from all the stress of moving and buying the condo and such. All in all it was a very good time.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The long rode home

Well its been a while since my last post. I don't know why but its been really hard to motivate myself to write a new entry. Everytime I seem to have time and set out to write a post I end up trailing off and not finishing it. Could be its just inertia that since I haven't posted in so long I don't really have the drive to do so again. Whatever the reason I've decided to make sure this post actually gets finished and posted.

So I finally bought a house. I suppose this makes me an adult or something like that. Its weird to have so much of my life say that I'm an adult when a large part of me still feels like a kid. I'm now 27, working a full time job and I own a house and a car. I'm the advisor to my fraternity and people actually listen to what I have to say. I'm seen as an authority figure in the various areas where I'm still involved with undergraduates. I'm having my five year reuninion next fall for college and some point next spring or summer I will have my 10 year reunion for high school.

Is this where I thought I'd be 9 years out of high school? I have no idea at this point. My life plan has changed so many times since leaving high school I don't even know if I have an idea for where I want it to go from here. If you asked me at the beginning of high school where I'd be I'd probably have said I would be an architecht or a lawyer, that I'd be married to a beautiful wife and have one possibly two kids by now. My parents did by this point. Instead, I'm a management major, gay and have been single for over two years at this point. The funny part is I think I'm happier with the actual outcome. I do like my life. I like the people who are in it. I like the things that I've done and the choices I've made. What is the worth of the goal if you don't take the time to enjoy the path that leads there.

In other news a play that I have had the opportunity to reprise once already will be showcased two more times this summer. "Treasures" from the Alpha Psi Omega Show in 24 Hours has been accepted to this year's Annual Samual French Off-Off Broadway Short Play Festival. The first showcase will be the preview performance at WPI at the end of may and the second showcase will be at the Sam French festival itself on June 2nd at 7:30.

I'm also going to be playing the role of Judge Turpin in Sweeney Todd, which is the A term musical put on by Vox, the WPI Light Opera Company. The amusing thing is that for the second year in a row I play a lecherous older man who goes after a younger woman. The previous role was Sir George Crofts in Mrs. Warren's Profession. Additionally amusing and coincidental is that Sean Cassidy will be playing the affable young man who attemts to win the affections of the same woman and crosses paths with me to get her. Gotta love eery similarities.

Well that's enough for now I think. Hopefully now that the first update is out of the way I'll be back to updating more often.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

All Settled In

Well I'm all settled in at last and I finally have internet. My roomie Jon has moved in to so that's very good. I've gotten a good deal on a washer/dryer set so I'll be getting those as soon as I have time to go get them from Robbie.

New Voices owns my life for another two weeks and then its off to Sweeney Todd. I'm enjoying directing and acting but I swear, never both at the same again. I really don't have what it takes to balance both. I'm barely doing that now as it is. It didn't help that I had to move in the middle of New Voices. That is specifically why, when I was planning on moving last term, I didn't act or get majorly involved in the C term productions. I'm looking forward to a fairly relaxing summer, unless of course one or both of the two shows that are submitted to Sam French gets in; in which case I will go happily insane again this year. :)

Look forward to more frequent updates once New Voices is over.