I'm not sure why but I'm in an incredible mood today. I think because as 2005 comes to a close so many things are finally coming together, the most important of which is closing on the Condo in February. To have this goal in site, to have every dime needed for the closing in the bank as of this moment, to be actually planning what should hopefully be my final move for some time is an incredible feeling.
I feel like I'm in fully in control of my life for the first time in years. I feel like a lot of loose ends are finally getting tied up. Buying this condo has affected every part of my life over the past 2 years of planning, saving, negotiating, following up, singing papers, and general anticipation. Everything in my life had to be measured against what was necessary in order to buy this condo. Go to Spain or Puerto Rico with the glee club? Nope, gotta save for the condo. Skiing up north with new skis? Nope, condo. Go out for sushi and drinks with friends? I really shouldn't, I'm broke this month after putting away the savings for the condo. My Dad told me that I'd have to give up my "rockstar" lifestyle in order to save for the condo, and while I never felt I had a "rockstar" lifestyle (he made the comment after I had flown down to NJ one random weekend when Colin was learning to fly - the flight was on a prop plane and damn its cold at night when flying in one of those things) I certainly majorly changed a lot of my spending habits and reprioritized a lot of things to get where I am. Now don't get me wrong, in less than two months it will all be worth it, but it will be nice to not have this big giant thing hanging over my head that dictates what I can and cannot do.
In 2006 I will turn 27 and that doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I don't know why but I'm actually looking forward to it. 26 was ok, but it really was a fairly tumultuous year. I'm hoping that 27 will provide me with a bit more grounding and direction. Today is my last day of work for 2005 and I hope to enjoy the first real vacation I've had since summer and I can't wait to throw my yearly (and now jointly with Elliot) New Year's Eve party. Should be a good time. To everyone, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.